Press Box and Announcer's Booth

1 Conversation


If you don't have press or team credetials and wandered in here by mistake you can always turn and go back to the Frink's Drinks Lobby but let me first give you the tour.

This is this room with the best view of all the action. As you can see we are located right behind home plate. With an uninterupted view of the field. I know it's a little on the large size for a team of our standing, but I'm expecting us to be in the major league's someday and I like to plan ahead.

It's also got a pretty nifty surround stereo system to give you all the best atmosphere dispite this being a totally air conditioned environment. Boy do we need it when the Misfits start playing.

Bar always open

Well you know what press people are like. They like to spill a cold one all over theier copy before making a quick dash over to the phones to file their report. I think it is part of their job discription. As during matches I'll be manning my mike in my little booth at the front help yourself at the bar I trust you. There's always plenty of nibbles around too.

As for now I'm going to play "Let's all go to the ball park to our loyal fans in the bleachers

Some Rival Softball Team

Some guy called Chuck was in here the other day and gave me the address of some other softball team. If you ask me I think they're Peanuts. Sadly their recent games have not had much coverage since their General Manager left the scene.

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