Edward Van Halen

2 Conversations

Rock and roll and heavy metal guitar was changed forever in the late seventies. In 1978 Van Halen made their miraculous debut to the world with their self titled album 'Van Halen'. The track 'Eruption' puzzled everyone, including seasoned guitarists. Since then the guitar world has never been the same.

Holand born, Edward Van Halen made guitarists everywhere stop and listen. No one had ever played the way he played before. He double-handedly revolutionized the way the guitar was played and the way it sounded. Two-handed tapping, slap-tapping, tap harmonics, tap bending. All amazing techniques he innovated. His technique was copied by such guitarists as Randy Rhoads(Ozzy Osbourne 1979-1982), Zakk Wylde(Ozzy Osbourne 1988-current and Black Label Society), Yngwie Malmsteen(Alcatrazz and solo) as well as many others.

His sound was also unique. Eddie built his guitar himself. He wanted the sound of a Les Paul and the feel of a stratocaster. So what he did was put a Gibson PAF pick-up into the bridge position of strat style body. He painted his guitar in such away that his guitar is probably one of the most recognizable guitar ever. From there Eddie went to the guys at Kramer guitars and got them to manufacture a guitar to his specifications. He later did the same with Ernie Ball, and called it the EVH Wolfgang. That model was probably the best quality manufactured guitar ever made. But Eddie took that model and gave it to Peavey and now they own the best quality guitar ever made.

Eddie has been compared to Hendrix many times. The funny thing is that both of them approach the guitar in a VERY different way. Hendrix playes blues on acid, psychedelic rock sort of thing whereas Eddie takes a more technical approach to the guitar. But they are similar in the way that they both revolutionized the way the guitar was played, they will always look cooler than anyone on stage (that counts for more than you think) and they are both reknown for their unique, unmatchable playing style.

Eddie has twenty years worth of music under his belt. He has eleven studio albums, one live album, and a Best of Albem. Has gone through three singers David Lee Roth, Sammy Hagar, and Gary Cherone. He played on Michael Jacksons hit song 'Beat It' and didn't even get paid for it. He disapeared for four years; and now...HE'S BACK! VAN HALEN IS GOING ON A REUNION TOUR WITH SAMMY HAGAR!

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