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Commonly known as "a green and pleasant land". That was until the M25 motorway tore through half of the southern counties. England is located about 25 miles west of France, a nation which the English do not like, except when travelling there to buy cheap alcohol and cigarettes. This hatred maybe stems from the fact that the French, aswell as most of Europe, have tried and sometimes succeeded in invading the small island that looks like an old man bending down to kiss an Angel. Thankfully for the English, the channel of water known quite simply as "The English Channel" holds back the brutish Europeans from invading their green and pleasant..sorry, Motorway. England makes up part of the larger Britain, although in the latter part of the 20th Century the Scottish, the Welsh and the Northern Irish have been pressing for independence from this United Kingdom which somewhat hurts the English as these nations are the last bastions of the British Empire of which most of the Earth was once a member, ruled by the English capital, London. Drinking Tea in the afternoon, driving for no reason on a Sunday afternoon and stopping wars in Europe are all traits that are attributed to being "English".

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