Joss Whedon's Firefly

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This short lived TV series was created by Joss Whedon- the man behind Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel.
It is set 500 years in the future and focuses on the crew of the "Serenity", a Firefly class vessel (hence the title).
The show lasted for a meager 14 episodes, of which only 12 were shown on the original US run, before Fox pulled the plug. Firefly has found it's audience on DVD, the sales of which have prompted a movie to be put into production entitled "Serenity" which will follow on from the TV series.

The characters are-
Malcolm Reynolds (Nathan Fillion)- Captain
Zoe (Gina Torres)- First Officer
Wash (Alan Tudyk)- Pilot
Jayne Cobb (Adam Baldwin)- Mercenary
Kaylee (Jewel Staite)- Engineer
Simon Tam (Sean Maher)- Doctor
Book (Ron Glass)- Shepherd (Preacher)
River Tam (Summer Glau)- The prodigy
Inara Sera (Morena Baccarin)- Companion

At it's simplist this show is a mixture of Sci Fi and Western, with Whedons usual cutting dialogue and fantastical situations, if anything this show is more grounded in reality than BTVS and Angel and if you are a fan of either of those shows or Sci-Fi in general, then this is worth a look.

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