There Are Too Many Thickos In Football

1 Conversation

Rt. Hon. Francis MAUDE MP

House of Commons


London SW1A 0AA


Own Goal

The eloquence of your remark that 'there are too many

thickos in English football' has caught my attention.

Football without fans is nothing

- Jock Stein

I can report from my experiences on the terraces that football

is indeed teeming rife with the most disarmingly discourteous

yahoos imaginable. I have rarely heard such a hullabaloo as that

vented by the congregated masses at the overseeing official each

and every time the unfortunate man is obliged to issue some

cautionary words or punishment to one of the players for having

committed an indiscretion. Some might say that it is almost a

hybrid experience born out the ruckus of PM's Question Time and the

(reported) rabid bedlam of a choir-boy in The Garrick, and the

enjoyment of football is all the better for it.

Worrying as it may appear to you in Westminster though,

footballers and their followers are a manifest reflection of the

public at large that constitutes the national population, the

consequent inference of your statement being that there are too

many thickos in England. Thus to assert, as you have, that

footballers are in any way thicker than, say, ice-hockey players

may be contrived, I submit, to be gallopingly slanderous to the

population at large. As a director of the Guildford Flames, you are

no doubt fully acquainted with the academic competence of the

ice-hockey fraternity, and I would be surprised to learn of any

marked contrast between the intellectual performance of both

ice-hockey players and fans and their footballing counterparts. I

suggest you raise this issue at the next board meeting as it

appears to trouble you.

Behind every kick of the ball there has to be a


- Dennis Bergkamp

Conversely, however, and contrary to the apparent gist of your

jibe, there are huge number of high-brow intellectuals at large in

sport, and specifically in football, there being a school of study

devoted to the sage and the sapient. 'Philosophy Football' is an

excellent book devoted to the laudation of XI great footballing

thinkers, a veritable dream-team, if you will, of philosophising

fans and players through the ages.

GK Albert Camus

LB Jean Baudrillard

RB Simone de Beauvoir

CB Friedrich Nietzsche

CB Ludwig Wittgenstein

RM Oscar Wilde

CM William Shakespeare

CM Sun Tzu

LM Bob Marley

CF Antonio Gramsci

CF Umberto Eco

Football is an art

- Germaine Greer

Manager Mark Perryman appears to favour 4-4-1-1 with Eco on his

own up front and Gramsci filling in the hole behind - an offensive

approach not dissimilar, I seem to recall, from Peter Taylor's

approach with Heskey and Barmby against Italy recently. I would

prefer to see Wilde on the other wing as I believe he was more of a

left-footer. In this context (the ambi-pedal), silky-skilled Steve

McMannaman has a touch of the Oscar Wildes about him don't you


Power is only too happy to make football bear a

diabolical responsibility for stupefying the masses


Jean Baudrillard

Dangerously sharp at left-back, enfant terrible, Baudrillard

offers an alternative view, writing that 'after several thousand

revolutions and a century or two of political apprenticeship... there are still... a thousand persons who stand up and

twenty million who remain 'passive' - and not only

passive, but who, in all good faith and without even asking

themselves why, frankly prefer a football match to a human and

political drama'
. Thus, society cannot be comprised

solely of heavy-weight intellectuals and leaders of men. The

passive majority to which Baudrillard refers is comprised of

fundamentally simple-hearted yeomen with neither ambition nor

discontent in excess.

[Football] is WAR - minus the shooting

- George Orwell

Entertainment (here football, but otherwise inter alia a

Friday night out to the pub, a 2-week caravan holiday in

Bournemouth, sex) ensures that excessive antisocial desires

(incited perhaps by boredom) are kept at bay that might otherwise

threaten the harmony required by the establishment to maintain the

status quo. Bosman-like, Baudrillard is challenging, exposing and

unravelling the defensive order imposed by the establishment that

you, Maude MP, purport to represent. Football is employed by our

politicians as a device in the quest for national identity, as an

arena 'constructively' manipulated by politicians and

generals, and as an agent of political, socio-economic, and

cultural elites in order to stifle working-class and popular

consciousness and revolt. Baudrillard may have a point - is the

actual contest on the field secondary to the event of going to the

stadium and participating in the hoped-for victory? After all, at

the end of the day, three points in the bag is all that counts.

Football is working class ballet
- Alf


The thrust of Baudrillard's argument is that

football's existence in society is semi-symbiotic, necessary

in itself for the sake of society's hegemony providing that

its audience members are predominantly proletarians, whilst

allowing football to feed off the need for such a diversion to

exist. In this way, Baudrillard is arguing that you can't

have 'too many thickos in football'.

Have you noticed how we only win the World Cup under

a Labour Government

- Harold Wilson

Perhaps in this context you have sympathy for the efforts of

John Stuart Mill who wrote splendidly in his seminal essay

Representative Government (1861) in favour of assigning plurality

of suffrage to those with authenticated superiority of education.

You will concede, nonetheless, that however solid at the back such

a philosophy appears prima facie, the ovinely Conservative

people of Horsham may not turn out to be the bookish intelligentsia

that you would require to maintain the 18,000 seat majority that

keeps you in gin and quail at the House of Commons.

Indeed, 18,000 can sound like a comfortable margin in which to

indulge your complacency by articulating fatuous inanities in

search of the instant gratification of the well-received populist

soundbite. However, it will be of little solace to you that 18,000

is less than a third of the capacity of Old Trafford, and is only

marginally less than that of The Valley.

You are advised to remember that your political existence relies

on the grace and goodwill of the general public of whom you are so

dismissive. The thickos at whom you so readily scoff are the

same subjects whose suffrage you will smarmingly and hypocritically

covet at election time, and I hope they kick your smugly pompous

arse right off the park.

Yours faithfully,

Dr Montague Trout

Manager - Organcheese Academicals



Montague Trout

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