The Man with the coat and hat - CAC C

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Ok this is a true story. Right now I'm about to cry thinking about this story. Right now I'm 12 so this didn't happen too long ago.

Well when I was little I used to get fevers at the same time every year. But the only time I remember the fever was when I was 5. I had a temperature of 105 degrees farenheit. So I started seeing things. Somehow I had a feeling that something was in my closet. I keep seeing things like something was inside of it pounding and pounding, trying to get out. Then I had this pisture in my head, it was a man, a dark, shawdoy figure. He had a round hat and a long brown trench coat. All he did was stare at me. then I came back to reality. I looked at the closet. No pounding, but I saw eyes glaring back at me. I starting screaming anD crying at the same time.

My step dad ran into my room to see what was wrong. I told him that someone was in the closet. I described the dark figure. I told him about the hat and coat. For some reason, he turned white. He didn't look in the closet. I forgot about the closet for a second, and wondered why he wouldn't go into the closet.

Recently, I was talking to him about the man with the hat and tranch coat. I asked why he didn't look in the closet. he told me "Before I met your mom, I would lay in bed and look up, all of a sudden I would see a man with a hat and brown trench coat staring at me. Sometimes I still do see him."

Now, when it's late and I can't fall asleep, I try to keep my eyes closed. I'm too afraid to stare into the darkness because the dark figure could be staring at me.

The end!

This story is true. Every little detail is true. I start to cry or get goosebumps whenever I talk about this.

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