The Atomic Universe theory

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A long time ago ( and fifteen minutes before lunch time), a plain old ordinary high school student came up with a theory. Take an atom, any atom, and picture it's protons, electrons, and neutrons as each being a swirling galaxy. Any intelligent being above the Purple Squash People of Shangtie knows that space is big. Unbeilevably big. I mean you don't even know just how mind boggelingly big it is! You thought it was a long way to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space. So, if we take into account that atomic particles are actually galaxies, atoms are the collection of these galaxies and molecules are the collection of the collection of these galaxies, then it is safe to assume that space is a never ending cycle galaxies combined into atoms that are combined to eventually life forms, planets, and chewing gum.

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