The h2g2 Craft Guild

7 Conversations

We are hoping to knit a blanket for Oxfam, if you are interested check the Blanket thread at the bottom of the page for details

Thank you in advance

The h2g2 Craft Guild

In a cosy little house the h2g2 craft guild meet, the rooms of the house hold the different crafts

The Knitter's Room

Is filled with every colour of wool and every needle size you could wish for, In here you will find an answer to any question, a pattern, or help if you should need it

The Crochet Room

Here is where the crocheter's amoug us meet, filled with wool, cotton and patterns, reserchers meet here to swap patterns and ideas

The Stitcher's Room

Here is where you'll find all kinds of stitchers, Cross stitchers and embroiderer's, this room is ankle deep in thread and patterns, the reserchers you'll find in here are alway ready to give out advice and help with any problems you have

The Tea Room

In here you'll find everyone having a quick cuppa (Or the occational beer, or stiff drink), this is our general meeting place

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