My new home in H2G2

2 Conversations

The font garden has a box hedge with a woooden gate round the edge and the 2 roes bushes in it seem to have purked up a bit they are doing really well for flowers this year.

There is a lage sign with the house number attached to the door,
this goes to my space, just how i set it up


well i couldnt be as luckly as to get house number 42 could i!

Inside I've finished sorting all the furniture. So here is a tour of my home, starting in the celler is my private labs, for physics type stuff though it seems to be getting more and more dominated by bits of computer and black-bords probibly coz i'm studing therioetica physics in rl.

Alex Porfir Borodin in a chemistry set
sorry once i get better at coding i'll put in a picture of my own

You may have noticed as you came in through the front door that on the ground floor i have kitchen food for the starving millions avalabel, tiny lounge but with plenty of setting and some storige. Also my study which containes everything that I could possibly need for academic studys.

Upstaires is off limmets, it includs my bedroom for nights that I make it away from black window.

Up in the attic I've biult an obsuvetry to watch the


thats about all at pressent, but i should be doing some more work on it as soon as i get chance.

Come and viset again soon.


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