On The Wars of H2G2

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By SuperMoo

Throughout the world of H2G2 many societies have been created on the basis of war. Some of them rely on continuity as a set of guidelines, others only seem to be relatively aware that there is such thing as continuity1, while still others seem to be entirely devoid of continuity. The rules of Continuity are all well and good for those who are fighting on an agreement such as in the case of a society of duelist that fight one another. On the level of entire armies, continuity seems to be missing parts that make the invasions and wars more enjoyable. Thus I write this so as to state my, as well as the EvilArmy's and Cow House's, view on the proper way to carry out an invasion.

Chapter I:Invading

When an invasion has been planned it is not nescisary to inform the defenders. In fact it seems that it is much more enjoyable and beneficial to both parties when the invasion is a suprise. When the invasion is initiated it is also best if the attacker creates a new thread for the invasion so as to avoid jaming up the defenders threads.

Chapter II:Effects of War

Now is as good of a time as any to discribe the effects that wars have upon the parties involved

First of all, war in general causes a mixing of culture due to the movement of people. This remains true for the wars on H2G2 as well. After the war, and sometimes during it, both sides experiance an increace in their ranks due to the opposing party's members joining the society. This also helps to form close ties between the two societies, which brings us to the next point.

Secondly, the wars on H2G2 often times lead to the forging of close aliances between the two parties. This has the same effect as conquering the opposing society in that the two share resources2 without the negative impact of poor moral. In fact, one side need not be victorious over another. A stalemate will have the same results, or even beter results, as a victory for one side over another.

Chapter III:Fighting

In a large scale fight the rules of continuity start to break down since a large army cannot garentee that all of the members fully obey continuity or, for that matter, are even aware of it's existance. Thus it become necisary to, in effect, "roll with the punches." Essentially this means that if you catch someone who is not obeying continuity, don't disrupt continuity to argue about it, instead think of a way to over come it. If someone kills you, find someway to resurect yourself. If someone doesn't recognise that you attacked them, ignore it3 and attack again.

Another aspect of large scale fighting is the deployment of expendable troops. This also leads to another important subject, godmoding. When facing a godmoder strategy is essential. If the society opposing the godmoder has an overwhelming ratio of members to the society with the godmoder, then the godmoder can easily be overcome by out posting him. If this is not the case then much more strategy is needed. One such strategy is to defend with a godmoder. A combination of these is even more effective than relying solely on one.

Chapter IV:Conclusion

I would say that these guidelines are a little bit broader than those of continuity due to the fact that they incorperate the different levels of continuity and how to deal with them. This doesn't mean that continuity is entirely wrong, it only means that continuity is a little bit to exact to be rigidly applied to large armies.

1Actually the majority fall in this catagory2Such as troops or equipment3or, alternatively, treat it as though you missed

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