Escape Pod Dreams - 84

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Escape Pod Dreams, the September Eleventh Issue


Why is it so much more horrible when people die en masse in a single day than it is for dribs and drabs to die over the course of months and years in much larger numbers and for just as little reason?
And why, in this 'modern' age, hasn't anyone managed to convince 'adults' that picking on children is not likely to ennoble their cause?
Anybody remember Waco?

Just once I'd like to see a religion or a political movement that believes that bombs and suicidal maniacs can best serve their cause by blowing up the religious or political headquarters of the movement they serve. Get everybody together, have a party, look into each others eyes, sing 'We Are The Champions' a cappella and then get it over with.

And now, a moment of silence for the children who survived in Beslan:

for they will be haunted by the stupidity of 'adults' for the rest of their lives.

The New New blob

The Escape Pod Dreams

(tonsil revenge)

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