The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Fairies

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Father Christmas, aka Santa Claus, in his grotto.

The  Post
Christmas  Prose  Competition   2007

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Fairies by JIMCRACKER

In a magical kingdom in fairyland it was nearing Christmas, and the elf prince wanted to find a wife and marry before the new year.

In a grotto lived three fairies: Amanda, Barbara, and Carol.

Amanda was the good fairy, she wanted to marry the prince to be able to help the people. She didn't ever do a thing wrong. Love was not what she wanted.

Barbara was the bad fairy, she teased anyone if she felt like it, and only wanted to marry the prince to have power and money. She didnt want love, either.

Then there was poor Carol, she was ugly to look at, and hid from people. She would love to marry the prince for love, to bear him children. She didn't want the money and power.

The decree was, that each had to write something about herself and enclose an image of herself, but poor Carol thought she didn't have a chance, and sent an image of a friend from miles away.

The night arrived at the ball, and there were three women picked for the short list. It was to be Amanda, Barbara, and Carol.

The prince came into the room, with a hood over his face. Everyone thought that was so the three wouldn't know what he looked like.

He stood in front of Amanda and said:

You are too good for me, you don't want love, you want to use my money to help your friends only.

Then he turned to Barbara and said:

You are too bad, you want to squander my money and use my power to harm others.

Then he stood in front of ugly Carol, and said:

I choose you.

The guests gasped.

You are kind, and want to be loved like me. You say you want children. You sent an image of a beautiful girl, but I have been secretly watching all three of you.

You will be my wife, and your looks don't offend me,
and with that he took the hood off, and he was also ugly to look at.

So the elf prince and Carol married just before Christmas, and went on to live happily ever after.

smiley - xmastreesmiley - xmastreesmiley - xmastree

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The Post Christmas Competitions 2007


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