The X-Philes - Hell on Earth Part 7

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St Margaret's Church, the Crypt

Jude and Scully are laying on the floor with their hands tied behind their backs.

Scully: 'Oh my God, my head what did she hit me with!'

Jude stirs.

Jude: 'Who's there?'

Jude groans and tries to sit up.

Jude: 'Oooh, did anyone get the number of that truck that hit me?'

Scully: 'Jude... Jude, is that you? It's me, Agent Scully.'

Jude: (groggy) 'Agent Scully, what are you doing here? The last thing I remember is delivering a package to Monsignor O'Bannion and being attacked by a Nun. Ooohh my head. Oh God, now I remember. He's the one who's been threatening me. Oh my God, oh my God, it's him...'

Scully: 'The devil worshipper... I know it's Monsignor O'Bannion. It was also him in New York. He set you up to be arrested for the ritual murders he'd committed but something went wrong and you were released. So he set about ruining your life - yours and Agent Doggetts.'

Jude: 'He did that? He started those rumours? He turned my family against me, but why Agent Doggett? I though he was in on it the whole time. I knew I'd been set up but I thought it was him all along.'

Scully: 'His life was ruined because he couldn't be bought. To use O'Bannion's turn of phrase "he was the only honest cop in the department" so he had to suffer too.'

Jude: 'And he's still suffering now isn't he? I felt something in him before and I'm feeling it again in you. I suppose he told you he thought I could read minds.'

Scully: 'No, Mulder did. You know, you should talk to him.'

Jude is thinking, trying to work it all out.

Jude: (absentmindedly) 'Yeah sure.'

Then the penny drops.

Jude: 'Oh my God!!!! The little boy in Central Park. His name was Luke Doggett. I was so wrapped up in my own problems then I didn't pay much attention to it. Just another kid found dead I thought. I didn't realise it was his son.' (tears roll down her face) 'The Monsignor murdered his son to get back at him for being an honest cop. Oh God, I feel such a bitch. All these years I blamed him for ruining my life when he'd suffered so much more than me. I can't believe I've been so selfish. He'll pay, so help me God, he'll pay for what he's done.'

Scully: 'I don't think he will help us now.'

Jude: 'What... who?'

Scully: 'God. God has gone, forsaken us, turned his back. We have committed unforgivable acts in his name and now he doesn't want to know. It's all happening just like it says in the bible. The second coming, his re-ascension into heaven - it's the end of the world.'

Jude: 'You mean the Apocolypse? Fire and brimstone - the end of the world.'

Scully: 'Yes.'

Jude: 'What about the others? Allah, Buddah and all the other Gods. Will they listen?'

Scully: 'I have no idea. We've treated them just as badly.'

Jude: 'What have we done? We've consigned ourselves to Hell haven't we.'

The door opens and Reverend Mother Emmanuelle comes in dressed in a
red robe. She has two minions with her.

Scully: 'I don't think we're going to have the luxury of finding out.'

Reverend Mother Emmanuelle: 'It's time to make your peace with God, if he'll listen to you.' (to the minions) 'Bring them.'

Scully and Jude are led away to a room in the basement. Symbols are painted on the floor, a deep well is behind an altar. O'Bannion is waiting for them also dressed in a red robe. There are another eleven people in the room making a witch's coven.

Monsignor O'Bannion: 'Greetings my dears. It's a shame you won't be able to share the new order with us.'

Scully: 'I think we've got the best deal.'

Monsignor O'Bannion: 'We will see. Now put them on the symbol and we can start.'

The minions push Jude and Scully to a symbol on the floor and they are pushed on to the floor. Outside Mulder, Doggett and the Gunmen are going through the plan of action.

Doggett: 'I still think we should get backup.'

Mulder: 'It's too late for that. Right this is what I want you to do. You three will cover the exits of the church. When Doggett and I go in they'll probably run so I want you to hit them with pepper spray and use these cable ties as cuffs.'

Langley: 'Cool!'

Mulder: 'Everyone clear about what they've got to do?' (the others nod) 'Right let's go and save the world.'

They leave the van and take up their positions. Inside the church the ceremony is in full swing. A figure is forming in the well behind the altar, Scully and Jude are watching in horrified fascination.

Jude: 'Oh God, that's him isn't it? Satan!'

Scully: 'Looks like it.'

Jude grabs Scully's hand and squeezes it. Scully squeezes back. They
both close their eyes and wait for the end. The door bursts open and Mulder and Doggett come through with guns drawn.

Mulder and Doggett: 'FBI FREEZE!!!!!!'

Monsignor O'Bannion: 'NOOOOO!!!!!! NOT AGAIN.'

Panic breaks out. As Mulder predicted all the Coven head for the exits where they are met by the Gunmen. Langly comes face to face with one of the escaping worshippers.

Langley: 'Hey evil dude I'm one of the good guys.'

He gives him a face full of pepper spray. Another one comes face to face with Frohike.

Devil Worshipper: 'Out of my way shorty.'

Another face full of pepper spray.

Frohike: 'The bigger they are yada, yada, yada.'

Now it's Byers turn to give a devil worshipper a face full.

Byers: 'I do hope this stuff is enviromentally friendly.'

Meanwhile Doggett and Mulder are surveying the basement. Mulder spots Scully and Jude on the floor.

Mulder: 'Look over there on the floor. Get them out of here and you were right - we are going to need back up!'

Doggett: 'What are you going to do?'

Mulder: 'Destroy the cross so no one can try again.'

Doggett runs towards Scully and Jude.

Doggett: 'Come on, get up. Come on, lets go, lets go.'

Scully and Jude are staring at the figure in the well as if under a spell.

Doggett: 'What the hell are you waiting for? Come on, lets go.'

He looks up at what they're looking at.

Doggett: 'Jesus Christ!!!!!!!'

He pushes them out of the symbol just as Mulder grabs the cross. He looks into the face of Satan.

Mulder: 'Go back to Hell where you belong.'

The Figure howls with rage as Mulder throws the Cross into the well. He runs out of the church.


30 Minutes later outside St Margarets Church

The streets are crawling with FBI agents, devil worshippers and
Paramedics. Scully and Jude are being patched up by paramedics, Doggett is wandering around looking for something and Mulder is talking to the Gunmen.

Mulder: 'So how does it feel to be heroes?'

Langley: 'If it brings the chicks to our door, bring it on.'

Byers: 'It feels good.'

Frohike: 'I could get into this world-saving gig.'

Mulder laughs.

Mulder: 'You guys can be my back up anyday.'

He crosses over to Jude and Scully.

Mulder: 'So how do you two feel?'

Jude: 'I'll let you know when I know.'

Scully: 'Did we win?'

Mulder: 'Of course we won. We're the good guys, the world is safe again.'

Doggett beckons to Mulder.

Doggett: 'O'Bannion's not here.'

Mulder: 'That's not possible! Nobody got past the Gunmen.'

Doggett: 'I'm telling you he ain't here.'

Mulder: 'Then he's still inside.' (points to two agents) 'You and you search the building.'

The agents nod and go back inside.


Inside the crypt O'Bannion and Reverend Mother Emmanuelle emerge from their hiding place.

Reverend Mother Emmanuelle: 'I don't believe this. They've ruined it again! They'll suffer this time.'

O'Bannion notices a shadow on the wall.

Monsignor O'Bannion: 'No I don't think they have. Look, I think our lord is in limbo.'

As she looks at the shadow O'Bannion pushes her on to the symbol and
recites an incantation.

Reverend Mother Emmanuelle: 'No, no, no! Please don't do this to me.'

There is a flash of blinding light, fire and smoke. When it clears he sees a Hispanic man standing opposite him. O'Bannion falls to his knees.

Monsignor O'Bannion: 'Welcome to Earth, my Lord.'

Satan: 'Nice work, Michael, nice work, but for this gig call me Nick De Abalo. I thought I'd keep the Hispanic thing that HE started.' He produces a cigar out of thin air and lights it with the tip of his finger. 'So lets talk about your plans for these FBI agents.'

O'Bannion nods and smiles.

Nick De Abalo: 'And you're not going to believe what I've got planned for Belgium...'


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