h2g2 Post 21.10.04

2 Conversations

Posted: 21st October 2004


Processing Processes!

Well, a new hard drive was installed over the weekend but the 'hanging' problems continued. So it was off to a good diagnostic shop for my computer. They think it could be the processor. I really hope it is as a friend has provided a replacement one, albeit a somewhat slower model. Still, anything has to be quicker than the performance the old one put on recently. These technical problems mean, as some of you may have noticed, that my email can only be accessed online and doesn't issue 'article received' notification. I trust that I found all your items and apologise if I have overloooked anyone. Thanks are due, once again, to TM for giving me unlimited 18 hour access to h2g2 via his computer.

Did you know that Saturday is National Mole Day in the USA? We did but couldn't decide whether they deserved any prime coverage in this issue. So, instead, we offer you articles ranging from swerving balls to volcanic parks and dancing, medical commercials to camping adventures and long haul-flights - so nice to see the return of Psycho Chicken! We also bid farewell to a stalwart of the 'regulars' - but you'll have to read that section to find out more. You better not miss out the fiction section, either, as there are plenty of poems not to mention three excellent fiction stories just waiting for feedback. There are cartoons, too, of course.

Next week we hope to produce a Hallowe'en edition so, if you have anything suitable, please contact the team.





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