HEAVEN SENT - H2G2 Dating Agency...

15 Conversations

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<BR/>The H2G2 Dating Agency...<BR/>

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Feeling Lost ? <P>

Feeling Lonely ? <P>

Feeling Like No-One Cares ? <P>

Of course you are, that's why your On-line !!! <P>

We here at 'Heaven Sent' are here to help YOU...!!! <P>


<IMG SRC="http://homestead.deja.com/user.matkershaw/files/RosesAni.gif" WIDTH=50><P></CENTER>

We offer a complete & confidential service for those hoping to find love online. My wonderful assistants the lovely Lisa and the extraordinary Angel will endeavour to find you someone just perfect, even amongst H2G2 fraternity...!!! <P>

Our service is second to none in matching lonely (or not so lonely) ;-) singles . Our prior work has been personally recommended by the Entire British Royal Family ! Indeed we take great pride in our work in the coupling of both Price Charles & Diana, and Prince Andrew & Sarah Ferguson... <P>

Here is a testimonial from one of our ex-clients - <P>

Sarah Ferguson: - 'If it hadn't been for the wonderful services of Heaven Sent. I might never have had anybody, no matter a rich aristocratic nob !!!' <P>

Why not register for our special 'Hunk/Babe of the Week' Section. You will be featured exclusively on these very pages, where we will endeavour to render intensive assistance in trying to 'sell' your better traits to the rest of the gullible H2G2 fraternity... !!! <P>

Why not stop in for a little salacious company, safe in the knowledge that the only STD's you might aquire will be telephone bill related, or the occasional computer virus...Melissa * Grrrr!!! * ;-) <P>
If you harp back to the good old days of Double Entendr&#233;s, exemplified by the likes of Benny Hill, Carry-On & for our American counter-parts the shagadelic Austin Powers. Why not come on in for a quickie...er chat 8-) <P>

If things get a little bit intimate, why not go behind the closed doors of our private chat-rooms...!!!<P>
Not because things get a little bit 'adult', but because the banter might be more about 'wordplay' than foreplay. ;-) <P>

Beside our friendly staff will be around to douse the 'over adventurous 'with a icy cold buckets of water'... 8-) <P>

So, if you consider your self to be truly 'Shagadelic' , or indeed 'Virtually' handsome, come-on in and you can meet up with other people just as vai... self-confident as you !!! <P>

Discretion is maintained at all times <P>

You too can fill out the attached form, and be featured here...!!! <P>
OUR HUNK OF THE WEEK...!!! <FONT SIZE=3; FONT COLOR=#FFFFFF><FONT FACE="Impact"><P>Age: 19 Description: Blonde & Blue Eyes !!!<BR/>
Likes: H2G2, rock climbing, small animals, collecting circular things.<BR/>
Dislikes: Sane People <BR/>
Wants: Someone who has a twisted sense of humour who is willing to share his rapid descent into mental illness... <P>

So ladies, quite a catch is waiting just for YOU !!! <BR/>
Why not check out/and update the 'Pervy Guide to Online Acronyms...!!!' <P>

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<A HREF="http://www.h2g2.com/U120324">
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