Talking Point: Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?

19 Conversations

Two shots of a woman considering her options, one nervous, one quietly confident.

Just where do you see yourself in five years..? Okay, it has the hollow ring of a bog-standard interview question, but look at this as a chance to ruffle the ol' grey matter about your future. We live in bewildering and unsettling times, yet exciting opportunities abound; half a decade can bring about huge personal change, from matters of work, location and responsibility through to one’s mindset, morals and beliefs.

Contrary to generations past, education-leavers today are schooled to be flexible by learning ‘personal transferable skills’, with less emphasis placed on development of life-long careers. More freedom (for most of us anyway) to roam the globe means spontaneous life-altering decisions can lead us off in search of mental, physical or spiritual fulfilment. For many, however, career and/or family matters may chart our route to contentment (or chaos) in 2009.

Can you predict what’s in store for you? Join the discussion:

  • Is it important to visualise the future and make plans, or should we just go with the flow?

  • With so many variables and no fixed formula in life, can anyone these days realistically visualise past the weekend?

  • What impacts do you think current world events will have on our lives?

  • And what of technology’s role? In five years time will you be spending even more time in front of a computer screen? And, more importantly, will you still be contributing to h2g2?!

    Your contributions may be used for a future edited entry, so the more you can give us, the better.

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