The X-Philes - The Times They Are A Changin' 5

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Quantico Autopsy Bay, 22nd Febuary 2003, 11.30am

Scully is waiting for the body to be wheeled in so she can deal with the autopsy. As she's waiting she reflects on how much she's missed her work and how right her mother was, she did need to get back to it. She turns as the door opens. To her surprise a dark haired woman comes in.

Scully: 'Can I help you?' The woman comes towards her with her hand outstretched.

Monica Reyes: 'I'm Agent Monica Reyes, I've been helping Agent Doggett on this case. I'm hoping you're Agent Scully or I've just landed myself in a lot of trouble.' *she grins at Scully*. Scully takes her hand and shakes it, giving her a once-over at the same time.

Scully: 'Yes, I'm Agent Dana Scully, pleased to meet you.' *she smiles back* 'So where's Agent Doggett?'

Monica Reyes: 'He's making sure the body gets here ok. We've already had one run-in with the Marines, they do not want this autopsy to happen.' Scully raises her eyebrows at this. To break the uneasy silence she asks Reyes how she knows Doggett.
'I met him in New York.' *carefully, not knowing how much Doggett has told her* 'I was in the field office there and he was with the NYPD. I was delivering a lecture here, I stopped off to say hi and he asked me to help out. I hope I wasn't treading on your shoes.' Scully gives Reyes a genuine smile.

Scully: 'No of course not.' Both women turn as the doors open. This time the body is pushed in closely followed by Doggett.

Doggett: 'So far so good. There's also another body to be re-examined.' Scully looks a little surprised. 'I got a call from a Mrs LaFonde. Her son died at the hands of the racists and she wants justice as well.' He looks apologetically at Scully, she shrugs.

Scully: 'No problem. Not quite what I expected my first day back at work would be.' She uncovers the body and picks up her scalpel. 'You want to be here for this?' Dogget and Reyes nod. 'Ok, here goes...'


Two Hours Later

Scully puts the body back and turns to Doggett and a slightly green Reyes.

Scully: 'Well my offical opinion is that he drowned. The water in the lungs, water-logged tissue on the face and the cuts on the wrists were definitely inflicted after death. The marks on the scalp and shoulders are due to being held down. Thank God for lead lined coffins.'

Doggett: 'So you're saying he was definitely murdered?' Scully nods.

Scully: 'As soon as my report is written up you can hand it over to the Judge Advocate General's office.'

Doggett: *retorst* 'I can't wait. This case is making me sick.' Suddenly the doors burst open and Colonel O'Kill comes in accompanied by two MPs.

Colonel Tony O'Kill: *bellows* 'What the hell do you think you're doing? You have desecrated a military grave and disregarded military proceedure. You have no authority to re-open this case. The matter was dealt with under military law and is closed.' Doggett looks the Colonel up and down, instantly disliking what he sees.

Scully: 'Lieutenant Commander Jackson's mother asked for this autopsy.' She also takes an instant dislike to the Marine. 'She has every right to contact us as she believes her son was murdered...' O'Kill interrupts her.

Colonel Tony O'Kill: *shouts* 'It was suicide.' Scully raises an eyebrow at the Colonel and wonders if Marine officers can talk quietly.

Scully: 'Did you authorise the autopsy of Lieutenant Commander Jackson?' O'Kill nods. 'Well if I were you I'd Court Martial the medic who performed it. I haven't seen such incompetence since I gave up teaching - unless they only told you what you wanted to hear.' O'Kill is going red in the face at this point. He opens his mouth to bawl at Scully but she holds up her hand for silence. 'I've got enough evidence to prove that Marty Jackson was murdered.' O'Kill moves closer to her so his face is inches from hers. He's so close he doesn't see Doggett switch on Scully's tape recorder; he's relying on this cocky Marine being unable to resist bragging about how clever he is.

Colonel Tony O'Kill: 'And who's going to believe you, lady? You can't prove it was me that ordered him killed and no one will testify against me.' *he grins at Scully* 'And I can have you tied up in red tape for years, if you live that long of course.'

Monica Reyes: 'So you did have him killed, Marty and the others? Why?'

Colonel Tony O'Kill: 'Of course. There are many who believe, as I do, that the Marine's should be kept pure and, being a Colonel, I didn't have to get my hands dirty. I was surprised how easy it was to get volunteers.'

As he finishes speaking a cold wind starts to blow in the autopsy bay. The figure of a Marine appears in front of O'Kill. The figure starts to chant in a mixture of languages. O'Kill falls to his knees and start to choke. Scully, Doggett and Reyes back into a corner.

Scully: 'What's going on?'

Monica Reyes: 'It's the Voodoo revenge ritual Martha was talking about.'

Doggett: 'I thought she said she didn't practise it.'

Monica Reyes: 'That's not Marty. I don't know who it is, but I'll hazard a guess at it being the one who killed Joshua Kendrick.' A spark of recognition appeares in Doggett's eyes.

Doggett: 'It's Jacques LaFonde. He was the second body that was going to be autopsied...'

Monica Reyes: 'Originally from Hati where voodoo was once the offical religion.' Doggett nods but decides not to ask how she knows this. A second ghostly figure appears in the bay. *whispers* 'That's Marty.'

Marty Jackson: 'Don't do it Jacques.' The first Marine turns to him.

Jacques LaFonde: 'Don't interrupt, Christian. Look where worshiping your God has got you, stuck in limbo.' Marty steps between O'Kill and LaFonde.

Marty Jackson: 'And where will revenge get you? A quick feeling of satisfaction and Hell will be clogged up with another soul. Let him suffer. Let his crimes become public knowledge. Let lifelong humiliation and eternal damnation be the price he pays.' LaFonde looks at Marty.

Jacques LaFonde: 'Why would you save his soul Christian?'

Marty Jackson: 'Revenge can be eternal. We can watch him suffer for the rest of his miserable life. If you kill him we're no better than he is. If it's revenge you want let it go on forever.' LaFonde looks at him and nods. O'Kill falls back gasping for breath. Doggett walks over to O'Kill and drags him to his feet.

Doggett: *to the cowering MPs* 'You two, you'll find two JAG officers in the office down the hall. Get them in here now.' The MPs run off. O'Kill is starting to recover. He looks Doggett in the face.

Colonel Tony O'Kill: *sneers* 'Are you going to call two ghosts to testify against me in court? Jeez you're more desperate than I thought. Nice party trick! How'd you do it?' Doggett ignores him.

Doggett: 'Agent Scully can you check your tape recorder? I think you left it switched on.'

Scully: 'No I definitely... hang on... I don't believe this.' Doggett winks at her. 'Goodness me, I do believe you're right Agent Doggett... tsk... silly me. I left my tape running. Do you know I'd forget my head if it wasn't screwed on.' She says this with mock exasperation. She's beginning to enjoy this now. '... Oh dear! Do you think Colonel O'Kill's confession maybe on my tape?' O'Kill makes a lunge for the tape as Doggett and Reyes pull their guns on him.

Doggett: 'Come any closer and I'll shoot you where you stand.' The MPs come back in followed by Lieutenant Rabb and Lieutenant Commander McKenzie. 'He's all yours and you'll find his confession on the tape Agent Scully has.' Rabb signals the MPs to take O'Kill away.

Lieutenant Harmon Rabb: 'Good work! This time I'll make sure he gets whats coming to him.'


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