Live From Los Angeles - The First Annual George Fideaux Total B******d Awards!

7 Conversations

This is going to be the final destination for the coverage, which I will then submit to the Post. It will be a creative, fictional awards show where your choices will be honored for their contributions to the reverse evolution of human society and culture. If you know of a famous person who makes you absolutely ashamed to share a planet with them, I want you to speak up! In order to gather source material, I've settled on the following categories for nomination. These are the kinds of people we'll need:

  1. Master of Ceremonies: I like Hitler for this one... especially since I'll be able to get creative with his accent, and put various diatribes in his mouth... should be fun.

  2. Celebrity Presenters: I am submitting Kevin Costner for the first of these, as the recipient for last year's Most Overrated and Talentless Actor Award (but that's another show for another time). Any other suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

  3. Awards Nominees: These I'll have to break down into categories, such as:

    • Total B*****d in Politics: with Asteroid Lil's suggestion for that Reagan aide and Margaret Thatcher already nominated.

    • Total B*****d in Sports: With John Rocker and Dennis Rodman (just for being Dennis Rodman) already nominated... could probably add Ray Lewis (currently on trial for murder) and many others.

    • Lifetime Achievement Award: We'll go with Pol Pot on this one... maybe we'll even wheel in his casket to accept it in person.

    • Commercials: I think it would also be cool to have a few commercials to cut away to, ones that are just as offensive as the people in the show. Sally Struthers' commercial for feeding the hungry kids... that kind of thing.

    • Any other categories y'all can think of, and any other special awards as well.

    When nominating someone, be sure to give a brief description of why you're nominating them... especially if they're people I'm not terribly familiar with. These will be used as lines for the Celebrity Presenters.

The kind of people we're looking for here are people who, in the tradition of the great George Fideaux, through their words, actions, or even existence, are an embarrassment to all of mankind. The story of the man who inspired the award can be found by clicking on his name.

I'll set up some forums for specific things, so please try to keep your nominations in the appropriate forum, to help me keep things organized. If you're adding a new category or special award, or other suggestion, feel free to open a new forum for it. This is going to be fun...

The process will work like this: I will accept nominations on all categories until there is a wide selection. Then I will provide you all with a list of these, and you can vote for your top five in each category. This will winnow the list so there are five outstanding b*****ds in each category, which will be invited to the show as official nominees. You will then vote for your favorite three b******s in each category, in order. Points will be assigned to placement (5 for first, 3 for second, 1 for third) and whoever scores the most points in each category will be awarded, and will get to come to the podium and make a b*****dly acceptance speech.

Celebrity presenters will be handled slightly different. There will have to be two presenters for each award category, so however many categories we end up with will dictate how many celebrity presenters are necessary. Once we have a list of presenters (who don't have to be total b*****ds... just people you hate on general principle) I'll put them to the vote. You'll select your top five, in order, and they will receive points for their placement (5 for 1st, 4 for 2nd, etc). If ten presenters are necessary, the top ten will be used, and I'll pair them up based on comic effect.

So now you know what to do... DO IT! ;-)

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