
5 Conversations

What is Ice?

Ice is the solid form of water, and other, but not all, types of liquid elements.
Commonly, Ice is the solid form of water when the word "Ice" is thought of. Ice is a very useful resource.

How is Ice used?

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One way Ice is used is to create some yourself, and put it in drinkable liquid, to chill the liquid.(Many people if you think about it, may find this odd, that putting a solid form of a liquid inside of itself is strange, however, it is useful.)


Ice can be used for recreational purpose as well, such as Ice Skating and Ice Sculpting.

What are the Advantages / Disadvantages?

Ice has MANY various disadvantages. One is that Ice melts.
This is unfortunate for people who drink different liquids with Ice. When the Ice melts, it turns back into it's original form, and mixes with the substance that person is drinking.

Advantage - Say you're drinking something like Iced Tea. Using the methoid of freezing your iced tea drink, into ice cubes, you can refill your glass with the "Ice" tea after it melts.

Dis-Advantage - Say you are drinking Soda with Ice in it, when the Ice melts, it alters the taste of the Soda you are drinking.

What is the freezing point of water, to become ice?

The freezing point of water to become ice is...

Fahrenheit 32°
Kelvin* 273

Closing and Other Statements

Obviously, Ice does not always have to be the solid form of water though. Ice can be created by freezing other liquids as well. Which makes sense in some cases, but sometimes, not in others. It would be a lot better to have the frozen liquid you are drinking,
to put in that liquid you are currently drinking, which would make a lot more sense if people would realize that.

Although, when you think about it, almost all liquids drinkable, contain water in them, which of course goes back to the common though when we think about Ice itself: Frozen Water.

Links to edited guide entries on ICE or Relating to ICE

A970733 - Frost fairs
A756047 - Icehotel, Jukkasjarvi, Sweden
A793659 - Iced Tea without boiling water
A283240 - Why we slip on Ice

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