The h2g2 Poem

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You must know how I love you,

So rest here in my arms.

Lay your head upon my chest;

I'll keep you safe from harm.

Close your eyes, my lovely,

In peaceful hallowed sleep.

Let your thoughts go idle,

To slumbered dreams so deep.

Allow my trembling fingers

To part your silken down;

To move it from your forehead

And brush it to your crown.

Grant me touch your temples,

Caress your dainty ear;

Let me lean in closer

To whisper words so dear.

With me you’ll stay forever.

Can you not understand?

Hear my explanation, while

I hold your soft, pale hand.

I would not let them steal you.

'Tis why we had to flee.

'Tis why I had to bind you,

And hide you here with me.

My last kiss on your ruby lips

—now stilled and so remote—

can't heal my fingers' bruises

Encircling your slim throat.

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro

Poetry by The Blue-eyed Bipedal Bookworm from Betelgeuse

Blue-Eyed BiPedal Bookworm from Betelgeuse

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