The CAC Continuum

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The Mission Link Issue

Take me to your lido!

Fiction smiley - cheersWeird Science smiley - drunk First/Personals smiley - hangoverKitchen Syncronicitiessmiley - emptySatire

our esteemed and honourable Post Editor
said recently in an article:

'Not everyone wants to create a masterpiece of modern literature but many find it enjoyable to write down their thoughts and experiences. Should they be dismissed because they have a unique style which doesn't fit the concept of that which constitutes 'literature'?

They should be encouraged to write if it pleases them and helped along the way with suggestions and corrections. Of course writing is the cornerstone of this website's existance and those who aspire to see their work in the Edited Guide must be prepared for rejection.

Those who write purely for joy should still have a place here; in their journal, in fora, in the Underguide or The Post. What they produce may not be to one person's taste but well-liked by others. As with the other arts, they should be taken on their relative merits and not destroyed.'

Which pretty much sums up the mission statement of the CAC-Continuum and we could not have said it better.
smiley - cheers

You may recall a few weeks ago in our Back To Basics Issue we featured writers who were inspired to engage in that sincerest form of flattery by writing in the style of h2g2's founder and mentor, Douglas Adams. They wrote for the fun of it, playing with ideas and characters from the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy.

One entry was A3346256 and this week we are pleased to present Part Two of peacenik vogon's continuing adventures.

by U802129

The Sun beaming its rays down upon foliage.

This week's CAC Continuum was researched and assembled by ~jwf~

as part of the Committee for Alien Content's Continuing search for truth

in a world where the answer is apparently 42 but the question remains elusive.

Speak for yourself!

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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