Whatever Next

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The Infinite Improbability Drive - Read a Random Entry from the Edited Guide

Here is the next entry in the modestly anticipated series called... Well I never actually came up with a catchy name for it. Anyway, if you need to see the rules or any explanation, see May I Conduct an Experiment?. The series will be ten episodes long, so bear that in mind with plot development and such. The entries referenced in this episode come up as linked entries wherever your skin usually puts them, and the Post Team have included the next five entries to be used to continue this story at the end. The first person to follow up by adding their name will take on responsibility for the next episode.

Please keep up the challenge of...

Whatever Next...

Episode Seven

Lisa would have been quite charmed if she hadn't received Dave's warning, but, as it was, Craig's advances had the opposite effect, namely that of creeping her out. She realized that it would be a bad move to let Craig know this. Unfortunately, she wasn't very good at improvisation, so the best line she could come up with was: 'Yah, stunning, makes me think of classical music played with a big string section full of double basses.' This line was so incredibly stupid-sounding, it did have the effect of confusing Craig, thus buying her some time which she used thinking about horror movies, hoping to remember something useful, but alas, the only horror movie she could remember clearly was Taxi Driver.


Meanwhile, at the gym, Dave still stared at his mobile phone. He wasn't quite sure that Lisa had believed his story and was aware of its implications.

Now Buckeye and Dave started thinking through the untended consequences of their actions of removing the camera.

'We should get out of here', Dave rather sensibly pointed out.

'Right, let's go and find Lisa and make sure she's ok.'

And without a single word more they both rushed back to Buckeye's car, then began driving at break-neck-speed (or more accurately the highest speed allowed by law) towards Lisa's domicile.


Over at Lisa's place, Craig was beginning to become confused by her weird rants on anything that came to her mind in her desperate attempt to distract him. As she finished describing life as a wannaby writer/university student and her attempts at making old clothes into handbags, he was getting very fed-up. He really wished he could use telepathy, or any of the other spells he knew from his favourite video games, just to make her do what he wanted her to do - which, currently, was as profane as making her shut up.


The next episode will be based on the following five entries, selected by the Post Team with the Infinite Improbability Drive:

If you want to write the next instalment, sign up below.

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