It wasn't trivia to the people who lived through it... for a few years...

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It wasn't trivia to the people who lived through it... for a few years...

then it was swallowed in the tide of other events of equal unimportance to the future...

Rotary International 1905

The U.S Army begins to use fingerprints

Fingerprint evidence was used as evidence in
a murder case for the first time in May 1905 at the Old Bailey.

Cadillac Automobile Co. and Leland (illegal use of ampersand) Faulconer merged in Oct., 1905
to form Cadillac Motor Car Co., Henry Leland became General Manager

Matador, Slovakia's premier tire manufacturer, established in 1905

The first sports bra was developed in 1905 by Lora Blanche Lyon
of Detroit. It was made of walebone, stiff canvas and hard buckles.

Levis :
1905: A fifth "wallet" pocket is added.

popsicle (originally called the Eppsicle) invented by 11 year old Frank Epperson 1905

Madame C.J. Walker, first independantly wealthy black woman in America, in 1905 introduced the "Walker Way", a hair treatment that was sold door to door.

American Camp Association Established in 1905

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