Bellevue Learning Center

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NOTE: This article was written by one of the students I teach as an essay assignment on humor. Mr. Kim, if you're reading this, she meant this to be amusing, so don't take it too seriously! :-P


BLC stands for Bellevue Learning Center. It's a weird, scary place where they hide all the innocent students. They torture you by making you do work, saying it's beneficial. I'm no so sure. You also have to pay tons of money, and your parents don't know about the hiding parts. We aren't allowed to tell, or we'll get electrocuted. Sucks for us, but the teachers love it. What kind of evil is that?

If you want to avoid this place, you need to know what it looks like. It is an old, shabby, single floor building that has tons of rooms for individual classes. The teachers are all preppy and happy to see you, but they turn evil later during the lessons.

There's also this lady called Mrs. Kim, the boss of all the evil teachers. You have to be wary of her, because she makes you do extra work and will torture you almost to death. This afternoon, Mrs. Kim caught me wandering around bored. I was afraid that she would electrocute me, but my mom came along. They talked about how I need to read lots of books for my new school next year. She gave me a list of about 60 books and told me to read all of them. I thought she was nuts! But my mom liked the idea. Big surprise.

It's very important not to get caught by Andrea surfing the Internet. If she detects you, she will read all your e-mails, and what kind of embarrassment is that? Sometimes, if you're lucky, she'll leave you alone, but that's almost never.

Another important person is Mr. Kim, husband of the Mrs. He cleans the classrooms and makes sure everything is in order. When you get busted by him, he'll give you stupid assignments such as listening to music for an hour. Especially classical music, which is really not my type.

Anyways, watch out for these three and their old, shabby, one-floored building!!!

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