this meet is now canceled. (was to have been the H2G2 Autumn London meet 2008- Saturday 1St November 2008!-).

20 Conversations

Meet Canceled

Please note, that due to the woefully low numbers of people signed up to attend this meet, that it is canceled. The reminants of the page are left here, but the meet is not occuring this Saturday (Thursday 30 October 2008 as this is being ammended to reflect the canceling after consultation the past few days in various meet threads).

Over the years, h2g2 researchers (people just like you!) have held a number of get-togethers - usually once a year during the summer and once around Christmas...
However after several conversations started after the H2G2 Summer meet 2006 the collective minds of H2G2 have decided to break with tradition and hold
an autumn meet (as opposed to a Winter meet), and thence a 'spring meet' to replace the 'summer meet'.
It's a great excuse to meet up with fellow h2g2 enthusiasts,
share in a drink or two and discover who is going to fail most astoundingly in the traditional H2G2 Pub Quizz -- it'd be great if you could
come along and join us!


To find out what the rampaging researchers have gotten up to before, have a look at A649299.


Who's going to this 'ere party then?

Head over to
Sign Me up to the H2G2 Autumn London Meet 2008!
To sign up, and to find out who is attending, go along to
A39770986. Or just turn up on the day itself - it'd be nice to know in advance who's coming, but feel free to just come along on the day
if you wish - the more the merrier!


When's It Taking Place?

Voting has taken place, thanks to our resident mathmatition U107357 for counting it all up and organiseing the threads!

Voting was close, very close, and a second round of voting was swiftly organised to seperate the two tied dates, and thus the date for the 2008 Autumn meet is::
Saturday 1st November!

So, now the date is in, and its not even that far away, there isn't any excuess for you to not sign up!

Where's the Meet-Up Happening?

The location for the evening event this year is the Shakespeare's Head- Africa House, 64-68 Kingsway, Holborn, London, WC2B 6BG. The nearest tube is Holborn.


Of course, if anyone has any better ideas regarding a nice central location where we could have the meet feel free to suggest it in a thread below.

Afternoon Activity

As always there will be an afternoon event which younger and older researchers can attend alike. Once finalised (as described below), details will be
posted on this page.

For those who would like to do something in the afternoon but do not want to attend the main afternoon
event, some researchers will be found propping up the
bar in the Shakespear's head from mid-afternoon onwards!- Closer to the date we'll post who will be where when in the drinking all aftenroon 'gang'...


Is there anything else I need to know?

If you haven't attended a meet-up before or even if you have been to every single one, we have collected a few guidelines
to make sure we all have a safe and happy time.


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