
2 Conversations

This is a tough one.

Basically it is the storing of your senses and thoughts that accompanied them. But you can also remember dreams which aren't really sensory, unless you dream about some music that turns out to be on the radio when you wake up.

Memory is easily distorted by time or alcohol and sometimes something that just happened slips into older memory than it should making you positive that it had already happened.

Take the biggest hard drive in the world for example, and send it to Cory, 23 Meadow Lane..... OK, take it anyway though and if you had a billion times as much hard drive space as that you still couldn't record all the things in memory.

Actually this Guide itself is a good embodiment of memory. Collectively we all write little bits of information to remember and memory is only useful if you can find things when you want to remember them so everyone can use this memory by searching for whatever they want to remember and as time goes on this memory will get bigger and bigger and there will be more things to remember until eventually, well there is no eventually, it will just keep on growing.

Remember that.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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