WWJD: The Checklist

4 Conversations

What Would Jesus Do? This question was posed in the 1896 novel, In His Steps by Charles Sheldon. The novel proposes that if everyone would ask themself this question before acting, the world be a better, idealy Christian place. I am certain many got exactly that message when they read this novel as I did back in 1987 or so. Others it seems only got from this book, "What a great marketing idea!"

In the past few years, WWJD merchandise has flooded the Christian market. These four letters have been seen on Bumper Stickers, T-shirts, bracelets, bible-covers, and more.

WDJD -- What DID Jesus Do?

It has been my experience that most people when answering the WWJD question use an idealized version of Jesus found in imagination rather than the portrayal found in the New Testament. Below is a list of things you can do based on what Jesus actually did so you can see how you measure up!

  • Ditch Mom and Dad when you don't wanna go home with them. Luke 2:43
  • Wander into the desert, go without eating for 40 days, then have a conversation with the Devil. Matthew 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13
  • P**s off the people in your hometown so bad, they want to kill you, but get kicked out instead. Luke 4:29
  • Be Homeless. Matthew 8:20
  • Tell other people how they should do their jobs. Luke 5:4
  • Provide the booze at parties. John 2:1-11
  • P**s off and Criticise the Religious Authorities. Every single instance in the New Testament where Jesus talks to Priests
  • Hang out with unpopular people and sinners instead of people who go to church. Matthew 9:10, Mark 2:15, Luke 5:30
  • Forget to wash before eating. Luke 11:38
  • Body Surf. Matthew 14:25
  • Beat up people making money from God's Followers. Matthew 21:12, Mark 11:15-17, John 2:14-16

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