My Story

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I don’t want to change the bed sheet because it smells you. You are on another pole of this earth and now everything I have is your memory. Every night, I sleep with the pillow on my arms, the cover needs cleaning but I'll not remove it until your smell goes off.

For the whole day, I could not stop my eyes. I thought, I was never going to recover from this melancholia. I didn't see any avenues in front of me; I kept on crying while waving hands to you. I thought, happiness was asking for liberation from my life. I am talking about the day; you flew towards your destination leaving me alone in the crowd. My mind was occupied with your thought. Everything was coming in & going out, as if, I was watching a play on the theatre. The gray matter was trying to recall everything from the beginning. The story started.

We first met at the hospital where both of us had worked. You were very much commanding and strict therefore many of us would not like you but you were at the same time very friendly and nice too. There was some extra ordinary character in you, which gradually drew me towards you. Your logical arguments, humanistic approach and many more other things made me your admirer. I started liking your 'art of living'. I learnt a lot from you. I can say, you helped me grow emotionally and become more mature. We got closer, spent time tighter, dined together and finally wished a happy valentine's day to each other. Soon after, you left that place in search of better career. We were still in touch, shared e-mails and had phone conversations, this continued for four and a half months before I joined class in the same city you were living.

Then came the hardest days of my life:- I was impatient to see you and scheduled a meeting immediately after reaching there. But, your indifference disappointed me. I was shocked by your behavior, all my excitement was spoiled. I returned home with an empty heart and full eyes. I decided to cut off with you and return to my own place. But, my heart was out of control I missed you every moment; you became centre of my thought. The next day, I again called you and asked for your time, you said you would be free at five. I still remember the restlessness I had that day. I stayed at home counting each minute. Looked at watch with plea to move faster and stop at five. I reached half an hour earlier than the scheduled time and you arrived thirty minutes past five. It was my greatest pleasure to see you again. Six weeks went in the same way, some day you would appear so harsh and other days a bit friendly. I gradually adapted myself to this.

I left your city for two months and again shifted there permanently. In the mean time, many changes had occurred in our life. I was hopeful that this change may strengthen our relationship. The same thing happened, you expressed desire to meet me again, I was surprised. I was immense happy. Despite your business; you would spend some time with me. I was privileged with your love. I never had to think about going far from you. I was flying in the space. I felt, I was the luckiest person in this world because I had you. During those days, we cared for and loved each other truly and deeply.

This did not last long, as you were once again leaving me. This time you were going far and communication was limited to e-mail and some occasional phone calls. The agony was inexplicable. Those seven months seemed seven hundred years of sufferings before you returned.

Here the golden days of my life had begun in those four months, I lived billions of lives. Four month passed in a fraction of second and few days ago, I bid you farewell. I am amazed to see the power of love, you changed my whole world, now, you are the only destination, where I want to end up/ with your company, I believe, I can conquer the world. You have inspired me to be the achiever. I have always been your admirer, enjoyed your company. Loved your advices and followed your directions. Your love is my strength. You have given me an omnipotent spirit. I pray for your eternal life full of achievements. Everywhere, every time I miss you. The blow of wind reminds me of your touch, I see your eyes on the mirror. In each breath I take, in each beat of my heart; I can feel your love. I love you.
Finally, we are together now. I have reached to the saturation point of my life. I do not need anything more.

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