The Chosen

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“” From the beginning of know time, one has been chosen .
Chosen to be taken to save the rest.
A demon from the skies riding the winds, to take the one , to save the rest.. .. .. ..

Above the busy city, the whirling wind, got faster whipping around the high office buildings, up the main street, screaming past the cars and traffic, getting faster, . The people on the street held on tighter to their coats, pulling them closer. Some making conversation about how the autumn is now here, and rushing home, where it is warm and safe.
Sitting in a coffee shop staring outside the window, Sam was far away in mid thought
“Sam ….. Are you listening.” Julie said poking her friend in the arm.
“What’s got in to you of late”
Sam looked slowly around and stared blankly at her friend , for a moment just a brief moment , she did recognised who was speaking to her. Sam shook her head as if clear a fog. She smiled at her friend “Sorry Love…. Was miles away”
She thought for a second “do you ever get moments when every thing goes so very slow, as if in a slow motion yet your mind is going faster by the minute.”
Julie looked puzzled at her “No…. why”
“For a moment, I just had that feeling….”
“like the wind!” Julie said looking at the wind whipping up a storm outside.
“Yeah……….. No just my thoughts rushing to get someplace. kind one minute and nasty the next, like there is two minds running amok in there”
Staring back out of the window again, intently watching the blowing wind that swept up, old news papers and leafs.
“What is it you are looking for when you look out there?”
“I am now sure. Sometimes I keep expecting something.”
Sam pulled her glaze away from the window and continued their conversation.

Some place in an a dim lit room a small hand reaches out towards a panel of buttons some flicking some lit. The hand shakes a little as a pointed finger, pushes the button as a voice, a quiet soft voice says
“Its chosen.”

From deep of the night foot steps echoed, steadily, rhythmic steps like the ticking of an old grandfather clock. The steps get faster as the ticking clock, got slower, the heavy black shoes, quicken its step on a mission to bet the ever slowing clock. The feet stop at the first step of stairs that led up to a brown wooden door. Taken the first step and the next, reaching the door, a hand reaches out and knocks on the door. The courier waited, his foot tapping impatiently, waiting for someone to open the door. From deep inside the apartment a sleeping figure wakes from a deep rooted sleep, and makes their way to the door.
With his hand braced against the door frame, the half a wake, stocky man reaches for the locks, and one by one unlocks the door, then slowly opens it.
“I do hope, you have a good excuse to wake me at this time of the morning?”
The courier just looked blankly at him, and hands him the parcel. Turns away , walks down the steps and in to the night. Steven, looked at the man in amazement ,looked at the parcel, closed the door, and dumped the thing on the table before walking back to the bedroom and back to bed.
The next morning Steven woke up and stumped into the kitchen, half awake and a sleep he made himself a coffee and went into the living room, sat himself down on the sofa his eyes looked over at the parcel sitting on the table. He reached over grab it and gave it a shake, something rattled inside. Ripping apart the paper that wrapped it, he noticed it was a box, brownish in colour with a bit of a pattern on it, he shook it again, it rattled, turning it over in his hands, he tried to open it, but it was stuck. He throw the box on the sofa and went into the kitchen , got a knife from the draw, went back in to the living room sat down on the sofa again and started to fiddle with it, trying to open it. The more he fiddled with it the more frustrated he got. He throw the box back on the sofa and went to the bathroom to clean up for work, he would try again later after his shower.
A bit later on he, came out of the shower dressed in only in a towel, he sat back down on the sofa and this time he looked at the box carefully. He noticed that there was a ridge, he pushed the knife along the ridge, slowly eased it a long it. It opened slowly as if it had not been opened for a long time.
Steve looked inside the box, and took out a bracelet, small, dark, with what looked like a green, red glass the size of a silver dollar, he slipped it on to his wrist, there was a click and it closed tight round his wrist. He cried out, as it got tighter then it stopped. As hard as he might he could not get the thing of.
Steve got fed up with trying, he decided he will try later at work as it was he was running late as it was, he hurried back into the bedroom and finished getting ready for his trip in to work.
Closing the door behind he as he left his appointment he noticed that the wind was picking up he closed his coat tighter round his body and walk down the street, he had not gotten far when he felt something hit him on the back ,he fell over flat on his face. Some one help him up as he muttered to himself how clumsy he was. Thanked his helper and went on his way, by the time he got into work he was dirty and shaken.
“What happen to you mate?” the security guard said as he storm right by him.
“Nothing …….must be Friday the 13th with all the accident I have been having”
“But it is Monday!” the guard said but Steve did not hear him as he was in the lift and going up.
After a couple of weeks , Steven was in the hospital waiting for the doctor to come back.
“mmmm……….. “ said the doctor looking over the x-rays and the MRI. “Well… have not broken any bones and the brain scan is fine and as for the blood work that’s ok for what I can see.”
Steve was not happy with that “Really. Then how do you explain these then” pointing out the marks on his body.
“I am sorry steve ………….but it just means you are a bit clumsy not to worry about, I can not find anything wrong with you, to explain why you are falling over all the time, you are in perfect health .”
The doctor closed the folder and help Steve on to his feet and said “ I recommend that you take some time off and take it easy. You most likely need to rest for a bit, have you been under a bit of stress of late.”
“Not really, no more than usual.”
“Take two weeks off and rest get away from it all, take a holiday.” the doctor went away leaving Steve to get dressed, as he walked in to the main office of the doctor he said “, this has been going on for almost a month , falling over” he paused for a minute “well its more like someone is pushing he over, but when I look round there is no one there”
The doctor sat back in his chair and took is glasses off.
“Maybe you need to speak to someone, it might be all physiological?” he sat up and wrote a name and number on a piece of paper and hands it to Steve. “ Give him a call, it’s the best I can do for you!”
Steve left the doctors office and went home, the cuts on his arm where he had been trying to get the bracelet off was itching like mad he had been trying for weeks to get the thing off and was not having much luck he had try everything even went to a garage to have the thing blow touched off and all that did was give him third degree burns. He decided it was safer to get a taxi home this time. He was busy in his own thoughts when he heard the driver honk his horn at another driver.
“Sorry about that mate but some people should not be on the road!” Steve nodded and went back to his thoughts when the driver said “ its been very windy lately not been this bad for ages, must be going to be a storm or something.” Steve was not really listening, he was busy trying to get the bracelet off.
By the time Steve got home he was hungry, he was busy in the kitchen when the phone rang, licking his fingers as he went he went to answer it, he was busy making his lunch and talking away on the phone, telling the person on the other end that he will be taking sometime off work and to arrange all his work load to someone ease and would see them when he gets back from a holiday. Steve hung up the phone and dished out his lunch on to a plate, the wind out side was getting more violent and was rattling his windows, at some point he swore blind that someone was banging on them. As he went to the living room to eat he fished out the phone number the doctor had given him. He fiddled with it in his fingers trying to decide if he should give it a call.
After he had finished his lunch he laid back on the sofa and clicked the TV on and was watching the news, but he got a bit bored with it and started to channel hop to see what was on. After about an hour he chucked the remote on to the table and went into the kitchen to clean up. He was standing at the sink when he heard someone at the door knocking. He went to the front door ,opened it, looked out there was no one there. He hated being home when he should be at work. He looked at the clock and it was only three in the afternoon, he looked out of the window and decided he was going for a run it would get him out of the apartment at lest.
After a few minutes Steve was ready and standing at the bottom of his steps, the wind had calm down a fair bit and the sun was shining. Doing some warm up excises he started on his run, and for the first time in a long time he did not once fall or trip over. He was smiling by the time he had gotten to the park and was picking up speed as he ran down the path that lead down to the lake. He almost had the place to himself, as he ran along the path, the warm sun beating down on his bare arms and the soft wind was kind to his bruises on his back. He did not see or hear something watching him over head, for a moment he thought he felt someone watching him but he shook it off as there was some people in the park. The wind got a bit more brisk as he ran it seem to be pasting him over head but he could not see anything that would do that. At first he thought it was a bird, but he could not see anything in the skies, as he continued his run something was coming behind him fast the wind blow harder something touched him he looked up, he was about to scream but it was to late. The sound of the wind went away and the only noise that could be heard was the click of a bracelet spinning on the tarmac. A hand reached down and picked up the bracelet shook it to get the drops of blood of it and placed it inside the box.

Some place in an a dim lit room a small hand reaches out towards a panel of buttons some flicking some lit. The hand shakes a little as a pointed finger, pushes the button as a voice, a quiet soft voice says
“Its chosen.”

From deep of the night foot steps echoed, steadily, rhythmic steps like the ticking of an old grandfather clock. The steps get faster as the ticking clock, got slower, the heavy black shoes, quicken its step on a mission to bet the ever slowing clock. The feet stop at the first step of stairs that led up to a brown wooden door. Taken the first step and the next, reaching the door, a hand reaches out and knocks on the door. The courier waited, his foot tapping impatiently, waiting for someone to open the door. From deep inside the apartment a sleeping figure wakes from a deep rooted sleep, and makes their way to the door.

Sam stared though the key hole, she was not going to open the door to anyone at that time of night.
“What you want?” she shouted though the door
“I have a parcel for a Sam English” the courier said he voice sounded tried
“Can I see some ID”
The courier looked puzzled for a moment and said “I will place it here.” he put the parcel by the door and went. The sound of his shoes could be heard though the door as it went fainter and fainter till it was gone.
Sam opened the door and checked that no one was there, lent down , picked up the parcel. Julie came out of her room and look sleepy at her friend,
“who was that?”
“not sure but he left this?” showing her the parcel.
“Who’s it for?”
“Me I think” looking at the parcel and the name that was written on it.
“I’ll open it tomorrow I have classes tomorrow and I need my sleep.”
“Can I open it?”
“no……… its mine” she laughed as she took it to her bedroom , closing the door saying goodnight as she went.
The next morning, Sam woke up with someone banging on her door.
“wakie wakie……..time to get up or you will be late for school.”
Julie giggled as she said it.
Sam got up and stumped into the kitchen , grabbing the coffee pot that was bubbling nice in the pot. Grabbing two mugs she poured herself and Julie a large mug of it. They both sat down at the breakfast bar and drink in silence.
Sam looked up and said “What you got on today?”
Julie stared at he mug and muttered something under her breath
Sam giggled “let me guess……” she giggled some more
“Another eight hours of going over old dirty objects”
Julie muttered something under her breath again.
“I still say that is not a nice way of describing your professor”
“He’s a pain, always getting me to do all the dirty work and none of the credit.”
“O come on he’s not that bad, I think he likes you”
Julie looked up at her friend and gave her a dirty look, dumped the mug on the counter , left to go to the bathroom for a shower.

Sam walked back into her room, sitting on her bed, she was still giggling, she remembered Professor Johnson, he was not much older than Julie not bad looking but had a gruff manner she but it down to that fact he rather be in some dustily office studying an old piece of artefact than with the company of others.
Julie could be heard coming out of the bathroom, still muttering to herself, as Sam giggled some more as she went into the bathroom. .
By the time she had come out, she noticed it was getting cold outside and she had decided to but on a jumper just as she was reaching for the drawer in which they are kept she saw the parcel that was delivered that night. She paused for a minute, deciding if she would open it now or later, she reached out and grabbed the parcel and opened it. She shook the box and she could hear the sound of something inside. She could not open it, it was suck firm. She looked around her and she grinned, she reached over , took her nail file and used it to open it. It flew open , the contents landed on her lap. Sam picked the bracelet up , lifted it to the light and looked it over she slipped it over her hand, with a click the bracelet tighten over her wrist, she yelped out loud which made Julie come running.
“What’s the matter?” Julie said she could see that Sam was trying to get something off her wrist.
“It will not come off” Sam tried hard to get the thing off but it some to get tighter and tighter , the it stopped.
Julie came over to see what she was talking about.
“Nice bracelet?” Julie said
“Stop admiring it and help me get off” Sam said. Both of them tried to get it off .

to be continued

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