Atlanta, Georgia

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There is a joke I heard when I first moved to Atlanta three years ago, The only problem with Atlanta is that if you drive fifty miles in any direction you are in Georgia. Atlanta is a city of about 3.5 million people. It is less than two and a half hours by air from most of the eastern United States. It also has the busiest airport in the world as of the summer of 2000.

Here is some of the relative info:

Atlanta is home to some very tasty resaurants. Any style of food can be found without looking very hard. There are lot's of small independent places as well as the standard chain type establishments. Some of the better include, Daddy D'z (great BBQ), Roman Lilly (Bohemian for lack of a better word).

Very diverse. I only know half a dozen people that are actually from Atlanta.

Everything that you could possibly want. I recommend staying downton.

Public Transportation:
Terrible. Marta is only useful for going to the airport and navigating downtown on a bus. This is a constant source of discussion.

Lots of bands. Some good, some bad.

Like alcohol? Buckhead is for you.

Cobb county:
Two words...Netw Gingrich

Home of the Braves (baseball), Thrashers (hockey...yes in the south), Falcons (american football) and Hawks (basketball).

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