What is 'Supernatural'?

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The word 'supernatural' is derived from the Medieval Latin word, supernaturalis, meaning 'above' or 'beyond' what is natural. Supernatural therefore refers to anything that cannot be explained by the normal laws of nature.

Various scientists have put forward explanations for supernatural phenomena, usualy centering around the idea that anyone who believes in them is either delusional or insane, but these theories can be neither proved nor disproved. The fact that science has failed to come up with anything solid only goes to show how incredibly 'beyond nature' some phenomena really are; whether it is the scientists or 'the believers' who are at fault is open to debate.

But then scientist are often accused of discarding data that does not fit the model, rather than considering that the model may be at fault. This is particularly true where the supernatural is concerned and perhaps when science begins considering seriously some of the more intruiging phenomena, some reasonable explanations will be forthcoming. Untill that time we can but speculate.

Supernatural Phenomena

The following list comprises just a few examples of bizarre phenomena, myths and legends that cannot be explain by the laws of nature, as we currently understand them:

This not a difinitive list of every supernatural topic the Guide has to offer of course. To extend your knowledge of the supernatural still further visit Parascope. It has articles, anecdotes, pictures and all sorts of other media on a whole range of phenomena which are considered to be 'beyond nature'.

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