GerManiaConnection - What's What / Part II

3 Conversations

Please let me know if you find a link which is no longer functioning, or where the entry does not exist. It may be that several entries are still missing the "guide" part of the URL and will not link. Update due after my return from holiday on 22 April.


GerManiaConnection Who's Who

GerManiaConnection Who was Who

GerManiaConnection / What's what / Part I

Beiträge von der GerManiaConnection/Entries by German Researchers

Untenstehend die Beiträge aus Who's Who und Who was Who, die Deutschland oder Reisen allgemein betreffen, alphabetisch geordnet. Manchmal sind auch Artikel über benachbarte Länder (Polen, Holland, Schweden) aufgeführt.


Here is a list of the Entries listed in Who's Who and Who was Who, written by members of the GerManiaConnection. All entries concerning Germany, Austria, Switzerland (and some related countries like Poland, Sweden or Belgium) or travel in general have been included, in alphabetical order:

Burning issues

H2G2 Meeting in South Germany

Places in Germany

A gastronomic stroll through Warsaw
A no-nonsense introduction to Warsaw taxis
A text about the Mosel Valley
Aachen, Nordrhein-Westphalia, Germany
Bamenohl, Nordrhein-Westphalia, Germany
Bergisches Land / Germany / Europe
Berlin, Germany
Berlin's Cafés and Bars
Bonn, Germany
Borstel, Germany
Brussels to Bratislava
Brussels to Bratislava, Book II
Brussels, Belgium
Clifford about Hamburg ! Part 1: General Information
Clifford about Hamburg ! Part 2: How To Survive in St. Pauli / Reeperbahn
Dortmund of the World
Freiburg im Breisgau
Green Open Spaces in Urban Areas (Berlin)
Hoffnungsthal / Germany / Europe
Karlsruhe, Germany
Munich, Germany, Englischer Garten
Munich: A native´s guide
Munich: A native´s guide
Osho's Cocktail Bar in Stuttgart/Germany
Public Transport in Munich, Germany
Rottweil /Germany
Sauerland, Germany
Siegen, North Rhine Westphalia, Germany
The Botanical Garden at Stuttgart / Hohenheim Castle, Germany
The Ruhr District
Tips and hints for places to go in Germany
Wilhelma - The zoo-botanical garden of Stuttgart, Germany
Worms (English version)
Worms (german version)
Wuppertal, Germany (The "u" being pronounced as "oo")


Mariazellerbahn, Narrow-Gauge Railway, Lower Austria
The Third Man and Vienna, Austria


Hiking trip in Switzerland
Nidwalden, Switzerland
St. Gallen - Switzerland
The Jungfrau Region (Switzerland)

Life in Germany

An Irishman writes from East Germany
Costs of living in Stockholm (in German Language)
Frugal Living the german way
Germany - misunderstood or definitely boring
Munich, Schickeria
National Celebrations
Schrebergaerten Or Kleingaerten In Germany
The Game of Korfball


Bicycles, Helmets and de.rec.fahrrad
Driving on Autobahns in Germany
Not Getting Lost on Your Way to Somewhere New
Travelling by train in Germany

Food and Drink

Beer and Munich
Beers of Germany
Doner Kebab - A German Perspective
German Bread
Handkäs mit Musik
The Äppler-Story

The Language

Reverse Polish Notation
Sie sprechen Deütsch? Basic words in german
The Essential Finnish/German/English Phrasebook
The German Language


Beethoven, Ludwig van
Franz Marc (1880 -1916)
George Frideric Handel
Jean Sibelius


International System of Units (SI) - base units
Lothar, the Storm in 1999 and the southwest of Germany
Schlager (German light music)
The European Convention on Human Rights
Units of Measurement
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Bolle's Berliner Buletten Bude (Inh. AXR)
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