The Space Station Big C

12 Conversations

Welcome, my friends, welcome to the brand spanking new-look Space Station Big C! Yes, that's right - the 'station has shifted orbit over h2g2 slightly, and is now to be found on this page. I've just had it back from the Zshunga Manufacturers Orbital Space docks over in San Beta, where it's undergone a complete redesign in the public areas. It now looks even better, with ever more gleaming chrome-finished walls, and modern design!

The public areas have been made bigger and better too! The Great Hall is now chock-a-block with things to do, and places to see, and the Observatory floor (yep, the whole 9km2 of it) has been redesigned, so the forest and rock quadrants now have hills! We've also opened up a brand new area, the Quaternary District, which is a pretty huge place, fit for all your needs!

So, with all these new things, you're bound to want to get started. Check out the info on the facilities below, or read about the Space Station itself nearer the bottom of the page.

Have fun!

The Facilities

The Labs

The Secondary Labs

  • Research division: Physics.
  • Head of Research: Njan.
  • Description: These are the original labs, where people were allowed to perform their own experiments. It's been very successful, and sparked off many a science-orientated discussion. This is where you're free to perform experiments dealing mainly in astrophysics, temporal mechanics or simply normal physics. If you want to try out your inventions, please use the more secure space allocated to you in the Quaternary District.

The Tertiary Labs

  • Research division: Biochemistry.
  • Head of Research: Job opening!
  • Description: This is the place you've been waiting for! If you've ever wanted to actually work with potions and stuff, along with mutant plants and animals and the like, this is the place for it. It used to be restricted, and justly so - a while ago, an experiment went horribly wrong, and the labs are now completely full of excess plant matter. There's a clean-up operation is progress soon, and it's a big project - if it wasn't a big problem, I would have done it myself! Come along and help us sort it out.

The Quaternary Labs

  • Research division: Space-related.
  • Head of Research: Job opening!
  • Description: OK, this is the big one! As you should know, you can't just go around and test space weapons and spacecraft outside the Space Station - it's far too dangerous, and you could damage other craft! So that is why I built this place - located in the very centre of the Quaternary District, the Quaternary Labs is a massive 1000km3 facility, comprising garages, development bays, and a huge area of space (yes, the black sort) for you to test your inventions in. If you want to know more about how such a huge space can fit inside the Space Station, read the info on the Quaternary District further down.

The Communal Areas

The Great Hall

  • Head of Sector: Eomando.
  • Description: The Great Hall is the central communal area for the whole of the Space Station residence. It is a gigantic hall, a bit like a shopping mall, only far better! It has restaurants, meeting places, VR Simulation rooms where you can experience anything you want, and much more. Come along and enjoy yourself!

The Hangar Bays

  • Head of Sector: Jane Phillips.
  • Description: Well, what would a Space Station be without storage space for ships? This is where you can park your vehicles of choice, or even rent some out. We've also got surplus GalArmy Star Fighters for you to try out!!

The Quaternary District

  • Head of Sector: Pr. C. Tonks.
  • Description: Here are is the Quaternary District, at the very heart of the Space Station. Well, actually that's a lie - its entrance is located on the 467th floor, and not the 500th. The entire place is situated in a small containment room. Yes, that's right, a small room. But you'll never guess how big the District is - 1050km3! The whole place (a main communal area, an empty, as yet unused space, and the Quaternary Labs [themselves containing a huge area of actual space]) is in fact a temporal containment field, in which it is possible to hold almost limitless space and matter! It has been found to be perfectly stable, but you can only get out through the exits I provide, and it is impossible to travel to alternate realities whilst in it. Odd enough, yes, but true. smiley - winkeye

The Observatory

  • Head of Sector: Pr. C. Tonks.
  • Description: Haven't you ever wanted to take a stroll, looking at the stars in an endless night? Don't you love to find out everything you ever wanted to know about the various planets and stars we see around our planet? Well here's your opportunity! The newly revamped Observatory level takes up the entire top floor of the Space Station, a whole 9km2 of it. It is divided into four quarters of natural beauty - an English country park, a mountainous district, a lake district (with real lakes that aren't really there - the wonders of temporal mechanics!) and a desert area. There are loads of command consoles around the place, where you can point out the various stars you see above you through the force field, and info on them is displayed. You can manipulate the images to your liking, and the 'station can even influence you into thinking it's daytime, so you don't stumble around! smiley - winkeye

The Private Areas

The Primary Labs

  • Head of Sector: Pr. C. Tonks.
  • Description: These are some of the major areas of the Space Station not accessible to the public. They comprise most of the 'station (not including the Quaternary District), and are where Pr. C. Tonks does his work. It's impossible, utterly impossible, in all ways existent or not, to get access to any of these areas.

The Restricted Areas

  • Head of Sector: Pr. C. Tonks.
  • Description: Again, these are places where no one but Pr. C. Tonks can get into. They are chiefly his personal facilities, including his own expansive residence, and the actual infrastructure of the Space Station.

The Staff

Pr. C. Tonks

  • Description: This is the owner of this magnificent Space Station, Pr. C. Tonks, GalaGroup Overseer to the Multi-Galactic Governmental House of San Beta. He is all over the place in this vessel, and is always accompanied by Watch, his personal assistant, always strapped to his wrist. He is also Minister of Science and Technology for h2g2, and Ambassador to San Beta for h2g2.


  • Description: This guy's been with us for a long time! Going under the title of Prince of Darkness, he was the first person to apply for a job on the 'station, and has remained a faithful member of staff, looking over the Secondary Labs. He is also co-owner of the Space Farer's Cantina with Krans Hopeson, an astroengineer here.


  • Description: Another very loyal member of the Big C Staff, Eomando takes care of the Great Hall for us. She's very busy in RL at the moment, with university and everything, so she only pops by occasionally, when she can.

The Big C

  • Description: Ever wonder who that voice is over the PA system every now and then? It's Pr. C. Tonks' very own creation, the It administers the entire 'station, and is omniscient on it. In fact, it is God on the 'station, second only to Pr. C. Tonks himself.

Jane Phillips

  • Description: The elusive Jane is not in fact on h2g2. She appears in my own VR life, so I include here. She will appear in my book, "Life of a GalaGroup Overseer" as the Head of Hangar and Maintenance Bays. Ahem, no, there's nothing going on between us in VR! smiley - winkeye

Job Openings!

Yes, that's right! We at the Space Station Big C just might be looking for you to help us maintain this marvellous technical beauty! It offers the great benefits of helping others, as well as free access to certain recreational areas of the 'station, free training for those emergency situations, and you get to know Pr. C. Tonks better than most other people! Plus, it's a great thing to say to people - "Oh, I work on the Space Station Big C." Don't you think that sounds grand? Well, I do...

We currently have openings in the positions of -

  • Head of Tertiary Research
  • Head of Quaternary Research
  • PLUS - if you want to open up a new research division here, or would like to administer something in the Great Hall or the Quaternary District, don't hesitate to speak to Pr. C. Tonkssmiley - smiley!

A bit about the Space Station...

The Space Station Big C was originally built by the Zshunga Manufacturers Corporation in San Beta by order of Pr. C. Tonks. He wanted it to mainly be his personal research vessel, and it still is so, and it is also the sub-flagship of the GalaGroup of San Beta. It is home to many people from all over the Universe, who have either been plagued by Pr. C. Tonks' archenemies, the Morphs, or have simply decided it to be a great place to live. Which it is!

After returning to Earth, Pr. C. Tonks discovered the island of h2g2, and thought it would be a great place to keep the Space Station, which was being used less for his adventures, now that he was settled into the GalaGroup Overseer's way of life. He opened up the Secondary Labs, which were no longer used by him, so that people could use them for their own experiments. He also, momentarily opened the Tertiary Labs, but a catastrophe occurred with something that was previously going on in there, and the Labs were closed. Now they've reopened though, people are free to use them, after clearing up the mess left there.

Every now and then, the Space Station leaves its orbit around h2g2, and flies off somewhere else, but it only ever happens in other forums on h2g2, so it doesn't affect anything here.

Sometimes though, Pr. C. Tonks himself has to leave, and he leaves the place under command of the Big C, who is most certainly one of the most capable computers and intelligences in the Known Universe. The Space Station has never been in a major catastrophe since arriving at h2g2, but emergency precautions here are extremely strict, and nothing can go wrong because of public interference.

Thank God - this is Pr. C. Tonks' life, this place, so don't go messing with it!


We of the Big C Staff do not under any circumstances admit to being in favour of the testing on small fury creatures from Alpha Centauri. We are not to be held responsible for any loss of limbs or otherwise from angry test specimens, or the interfering with equipment beyond your mental capabilities.

Made you look! smiley - winkeye

Another Note...

My sincerest apologies go to Njan, Krans and anyone else I insulted during a slight misunderstanding a while back. I do hope it can all be forgotten, and I'd like to resume normal services as they were before. smiley - smiley

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