The h2g2 Monthly Horoscopes

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Dragonfly composes her monthly h2g2scopes at Urania's Observation Tower and
. If you find error in her predictions,
please air your complaints at the tower.

Aries (March 21-April 21)

All the wishing in the world won't get you what
you truly want. December will be a fine month for you, little Ram, if only you act upon your ambitions. People will be roasting their chestnuts over your open fire.

Taurus (April 22-May 22)

You are best advised to stay indoors the first
weekend of December. Avoid confrontation for the rest of the month... holiday stress is not worth your sanity. Be sure Santa knows what you want for Christmas, or you may not get it.

Gemini (May 23-June 20)

Use your smile and your wit to your advantage this
holiday season. Be careful not to appear two-faced (although, being the Twins, it is difficult not to), and try your best not to stretch yourself too far, as you may have enough to deal with in the upcoming weeks. Sip hot cocoa and take your time. Never skip on the marshmallows.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

How many times must you be everyone's caretaker and
therapist!?? Give yourself a break already. Untangle the Christmas lights, or dust off the Menorah. The best gift you can give for the holidays is time, something you give without hesitation to others.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

You are tired of trying to cuddle with just a
blanket in front of a roaring fire. If you are single, seek someone to love, and if you are with someone, be sure to check in on him or her. Now is the time to take care of others. You'll be warmed by the results.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

If you buy yourself one more gift that was an
idea for a family member or friend, you will find yourself in the midst of a snowball fight!!! Your character and leadership skills will be tested this month. Start building your snowfort while the snow is fresh.

Libra (September 23-October 23)

Lucky you. The moon in Aquarius will help you pursue love and art as if you have nothing better to do with your time (and you don't). Be careful not to buy too many presents for your social circle... you still have to wrap them.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Although you like control in your life, you will have to accept that December will be a bit chaotic for you. Someone will suffer outburts that will remind you of how nerve-wracked you are. Don't
unwrap your anger and anxiety until after Christmas.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)

Aiming with the skill of a practiced archer, you exhibit an edge over others, and you aren't afraid to show off. You have probably been promoting yourself without shame, and who could blame you!?? Happy Birthday!!!

Capricorn (December 21-January 20)

Your tendency to window shop instead of making purchases is beginning to pay off. You deck your halls beautifully, but you may notice you have some unneeded decorations. Share some with others
for a birthday thank you or a special Christmas gift.

Aquarius (January 21-February 18)

December holidays delight you to no end. Keeping your friends and family guessing as to what their gifts are makes you feel refreshed and renewed. Don't let yourself miss out on any parties this season... your personality can fill a room without a word from
your mouth.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Stop and smell the pine needles. Reconsider any projects you have undertaken recently, and select only those that you have a geniune interest in. Beware of doing anything that is only ornamental.


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