h2g2 Citations - 2000

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News: The Observer, Aug 27, 2000
Section: Observer Screen Pages, Pg. 11
Title: Bank robberies on the internet
Author(s): Dee O'Connell
Ref: Hackers carried out the first bank robbery on the net, it was revealed this week, when Egg was relieved of hundreds of thousands of pounds. The following sites are concerned with good old-fashioned, bricks and mortar heists. www.h2g2.com/A4519. One of the few sites to celebrate the advantages of being a bank robber. It points out that 'when you get to prison, people will look up to you, give you cigarettes and want to be your girlfriend'.
h2g2 link: A4519 - Bank Robbery
h2g2 author: Old writing team
Notes: Unedited entry. No edited version exists.

News: The bulletin: Issues 6222-6230 (Haynes & Archibald, 2000) - Australian travel publication
Ref: Which is why Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy series, has set out to construct a real, working and useful Guide on the internet. The great thing is that you can contribute. www.h2g2.com/A53146
h2g2 link: A53146 - Thanks for Registering with h2g2 - Welcome!
h2g2 author: The h2g2 Editors
Notes: 1. URL uses h2g2.com address.

News: Daily Mail, Jun 20, 2000
Section: Pg 57
Title: e-mail: The Good Site Guide: Websites
Author(s): Annabel Venning and Elizabeth Stout
Ref: * WANT to know where the best beaches in the world are? Go to http:/ /www.h2g2.com/A113923 From Australia to Mexico, Malaysia to the Isle of Mull, the top spots for sand, sun and unpolluted beauty are listed here. Billed as the Earth edition of The Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy, www.h2g2.com has all sorts of interesting facts about travel, technology, food and drink and many other subjects.
h2g2 link: A113923 - The World's Best Beaches
h2g2 author: Mark Moxon et al

News: The Independent (London), Nov 26, 2000, Sunday
Section: Sport; Pg. 18
Title: Sport.Comment: Flo Scarpers
Author(s): Simon Redfern
Ref: So, it's farewell to London and hello to Glasgow for Flo ... if defenders attempt to put the boot in on him, h2g2.com/A139033 offers the Glaswegian for "You are unlikely to achieve the desired result with that kind of behaviour": "Yer erse is oot the windae."
h2g2 link: A139033 - Scottish Dialect
h2g2 author: Bruce et al

grouped road signs and traffic light Large
News: Sunday Times (London, England), 26 Nov, 2000
Section: n/k
Title: Robbie Hudson finds science facts - and fiction - Astonishing stuff
Author(s): Robbie Hudson
Ref: Real people are turning sci-fi into digital flesh at The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (www.h2g2.com). Based on the electronic travel guide in Douglas Adams's books, and founded by Adams himself, this rapidly expanding guide to everything from storing eggs to speaking Mandarin is built using contributions from the public. The editorial hand is firm enough to ensure that, however small the topic, the quality is high - do read about the Hanger Lane gyratory.
h2g2 link: A303346 - The Hanger Lane Gyratory System
h2g2 author: IanG
Notes: URL not specified, but article clearly refers to A303346. Others mentioned are probably A251038 - Storing Eggs and A329942 - Handy Mandarin Chinese Phrases.


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