h2g2 Citations - 2001

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News: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 16 Aug, 2001 Thursday
Section: Food; Pg. 2K
Title: Food Online
Author(s): Betty Parham
Ref: In Italy, this is high season for drying tomatoes in the sun ... For more tips, see www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A267527
h2g2 link: A267527 - Title unknown
h2g2 author: unknown
Notes: Entry Deleted. No obvious edited version exists.

grouped road signs and traffic light Large
News: The Register, 14th May 2001
Title: RIP: Douglas Adams
Author(s): Kieren McCarthy
Ref: He subsequently started on a real Guide to the Galaxy, found at www.h2g2.com, in which people submit their own information. It is currently run on the BBC's servers and contains some absolute gems. [Living fairly close to it, I enjoyed the Hanger Lane gyratory system piece particularly.]
h2g2 link: A303346 - The Hanger Lane Gyratory System
h2g2 author: IanG
Notes: 1. URL not specified, but article clearly refers to A303346.
2. Article link: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2001/05/14/rip_douglas_adams/

Book: 101 Internet Activities: High School (DMB Academics, 2001)
Author(s): Darlene Williams
Ref: (pp 146/7) TEMPERATURE http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/A305399
h2g2 link: A305399 - Super-cooling and a Brief History of Temperature
h2g2 author: Gazh
Notes: Links to the Alabaster skin.

A box of tissues with someone sneezing on one side and a child tucked in bed on the other
News: Herald Sun (Melbourne, Australia), 4 Jul, 2001
Section: Connect; Pg. C05
Title: Dragnet colds and flu
Author(s): Dave Bullard
Ref: The BBC's h2g2 site takes a witty look at preventions and cures for colds. Lots to look at, from eating garlic and chilli to drinking that old favourite, the hot toddy. Oh, and don't kiss people with colds (unless they're cute). www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A452134
h2g2 link: A452134 - Prevention and Cures for Colds
h2g2 author: Ashley et al
Notes: URL uses the redundant /h2g2/guide/ structure.


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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