A Common Girl (UG)

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Official UnderGuide Entry

In a small row of houses with large families, Rehana, as usual, is fetching water from the government installed tap to her residence and then through the narrow stairs to the mezzanine floor.

Five months pregnant, no rest, no extra care, though the doctor prescribed it for her. Six years have passed. She could not conceive due to some internal disorders. These have been cured by the humble lady doctor who visited her area thrice a week to render her charity service.

Her whole day is busy with carrying on her responsibilities to look after her in-laws, as if she has been married for this social obligation, which she has to fulfil to become a good daughter-in-law.

At the end of the day, totally exhausted, no time left to share her thoughts, to talk with a smile to her husband.... her dress totally crumpled with stains of cooking meals thrice a day, apart from sweeping, cleaning and other household chores.

Her husband, less attentive to her, feels neglected. He thinks she doesn't care for him. He never thought that even she is a human being and wants to be taken care of. His only sweet behaviour can be noticed before and after physical relationships, which happen irrespective of her desire.

The last six years she has been taunted for being issueless. Her in-laws never took care that she should consult a doctor. Presently, they are happy that she is carrying their descendant, but never think to lessen her burden.

Traditional custom is to return to the maternal house for first delivery, during seventh month of pregnancy. Rehana is very happy to move from this place for the time being, though before marriage she was very eager to be with her would-be husband, to fly with him in the sky of fantasies.

Her efforts pay...a cry of new born boy fades away all her grievances against her husband and in-laws. Motherhood makes her feel a complete woman.

Suddenly she has become the star of her in-laws, as she gives a son to their family. All their affection and love is showered on her, which she never felt for the past six years.

40 days have passed after delivering the baby boy, and the time to return to her permanent house arrives. With a heavy heart she leaves her mother's place.

Rehana is sad as she knows there will be a long distance between her and the new-born. Her tranquility will be disturbed. She won't be able to hold her child in her protective arms for long, nor she will be able to play with her angel.

On the 43rd day of the arrival of her angel, she is busy cooking and cleaning. This day is different. She is not exhausted at the end of the day, though her whole day was captured by the household chores. She is recharged...because of the innocent smile on her angel's face.

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