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Every day five new approved entries are recommended on the
h2g2 Main Page. These go by unnoticed to most users as they focus around their own page. This weekly article points out and reviews the five most entertaining and interesting entries of the week.

  • Urban Legends finally lets
    some researchers write fiction - or at least fact of fiction. This entry provides a great deal of entertainment (and reading). This is a good example of where sectioning is really useful - the entry is REALLY long - notice loading time ;-). The amazingly low article number is also nice to look at - so... few... digits... Anyway, the entry has many entertaining yet unbelievable stories - a bit like certain Murdoch-owned tabloids :-).

  • Satellites
    explains exactly how objects can be made to orbit our funny little planet. It explains the
    physical laws that cause orbiting to happen using similies all can understand. It develops to
    explain what would happen if a 'space elevator' would be put in orbit - the strange gravity effects
    and the works. I guess Starship Titanic could serve a new purpose...

  • American Teenage Stereotypes gives
    a generalised, ill-informing informs us of picture of the 'culture' of a High School - it's great! It
    describes each group's taste and habits briefly. Each seem to be individual yet they are alike in ways.
    Big shoes/boots seem to be an overall fashion item - either this or the researcher writing this has small
    feet - suits me fine both ways! Another great, irrelavent read - it's what h2g2 is all about ;-).

  • Forgetfulness talks about the
    'art of failing to remember'. It describes the 'positive' side to forgetfulness and the bit-worse side -
    the side that contains Alzheimers. The entry also includes the scientific explanation to memory loss.
    Hmmm... so this coffee I'm drinking is bad for my memory? Rubbish! Pish-tosh! That's just propaganda.
    Ok, where was I? Yes, coffee - it is lovely, isn't it. That delightful aroma......

  • Local Newspapers tells of the
    great injustice going on in the unread-media world. Yes, those papers with two-thirds property adverts /
    one third boring stories, finally get sorted out - or at least exposed. Yes, this vastly ignored item is full of AGEISM!!! (*gasps of horror*). What I never understood is how does it get decided which area gets which paper. In my area, Lib Dems control the local area and Labour controls the greater area - or something like that - yet the few articles there are in our local paper seem to be right-winged. Is there a reason for this or is it yet another Millbank conspiracy?


07.02.00. Front Page

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