Web Site of the Week

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Not one but two web sites this week. They go together as well as milk and cookies. Because they are milk and cookies.

The first site this week is the slightly surreal
Milk! site, with an exclamation mark mind you, so it must be fun. I don't know what draws me to this site, it was recommended be someone who spends far too much time looking for obscure things. Run by the British National Dairy Council it's there to promote milk surprisingly enough.

The front page is advertising a competition to win a toasted sandwich maker decorated in white with black splotches to try and resemble a cow. So how do you win this? Simply send them you're favourite recipe for a toasted cheese sandwich. There is fun stuff in the site including a 'Cheesy Caption Competition', whether it's the competition that is cheesy or the captions they're after I'm not too sure, probably both.

Along side the fun stuff though is the serious facts and figures stuff. Telling you all you need to know about milk, including the difference between Pasteurised and Homogenised varieties. So if milk is your thing, then this site is for you, but don't expect a white background as they seem to have tried to get as far away from that expectation as possible.

What does worry me about this site though is why they have a cartoon of a cows rump in the education section?

The second site this week is the homepage for
Jaffa Cakes. If you are unsure as to what a Jaffa Cake is then I suggest reading the Guide Entry on them.

This site is silly right from the start. Silly but incredibly funny. It makes good use of simple web programming to give some stunning effects. Cartoon links that move when the mouse pointer is over them is just an example, although I'm not too sure what is happening in the front page link to the Prize Vault, looks very rude to me.

There is a desktop pet programme that you can download, which is a little on the addictive side to say the least, but a great advertising ploy as the virtual Jaffa Cakes that you feed the pets are downloaded from the Jaffa Cake site, so it keeps you coming back.

In all, the site is fun and would probably appeal more to either young kids, or daft adults like myself.


07.02.00. Front Page

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