Agony Aunt

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Dear AA,

I want my family to be able to cook for me (so that I can spend more time on h2g2) but whenever I leave them in the kitchen alone, they nearly burn it down. Are they just trying to make sure I stay in the kitchen or are they really that bad?

Sign me,


Dear Frazzled,

Whether they want to keep you in the kitchen, or are really that bad I have a solution for you. The solution is in two words... Romaine noodles. Take one week and prepare nothing but Romaine noodles for their dinner. After a week of this they will gladly prepare anything you desire for dinner. The best thing is, they will do everything in their power to keep you out of the kitchen as well. You will be amazed at the improvement in their cooking skills, as well
as the amount of time they allow you to converse in h2g2.


If YOU have a problem you wish to share with our Agony Aunt, you may
reach her by mailing Agony Aunt

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