Aspergers Syndrome in adults

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is a hidden thing in many cases.

Most of us have never had a clinical diagnoses because doctors don't like to have us around. We make too much noise, ask too many questions and in some cases, know more about a particular condition than they do.

General Practitioners suck at diagnosing or recognizing biological brain activity. Many doctors have a touch of the rainbow themselves or they wouldn't be doctors, but they have been assimilated into a world that has a niche for them. Some of them seem more like lawyers than doctors to me, as they are always trying to avoid saying, "I don't know." That many lawyers have a touch of the rainbow or a full colour to themselves is obvious. What is not obvious is why these fellows, in the white coats and the black jackets, believe that those of us who are not doctors or lawyers but still possessed of the mental need to feed on facts and fantasies are not worthy of recognition as a group. Maybe they don't want to be singled out. I mean they are, as doctors and lawyers, fond of anonymity...

Teachers, administrators and professional avoiders of education will not be dealt with here, as... I don't want to.

Oh, remind me not to forget the bit about stupid parents.

Spending a life being told to behave, stop that, get with the program, don't be contrary, and pull your head out of that book for decades before learning that you are not alone and you are not wrong is made harder by those who believe that I and others like me are just begging for attention that we don't deserve. Meanwhile, the media is telling us about all the geniuses who might have been Aspies, including Dr. Asperger himself.

A handicap is a handicap is a handicap, people. Handicaps are defined by whether a person can function within the machine that the industrial age has created. Some of us don't make good cogs. That's why my ancestors were cleared out of Scotland. They didn't produce enough, or at least as much as a sheep. Those who could slide into place in the mills and the mines and the military were welcomed and then worked to death. Those who chose to find another country to live in were good riddance.

Some day I hope to find a mate. All I found last time was a recipient for my donation.

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