Project: Use and Abuse of Gin - Types of Gin

1 Conversation

Faculty of Social Science

This document is part of the Research Project "Use and Abuse of Gin". This page is to document what different types of Gin exist. The different countries producing Gin are categorized and a brief overview over production is given.

Types of Gin

Dutch Gin

Of the Dutch Gin, the are two types "oude" which means old, and the lighter "jounge" which means young. It has nothing to do with the age, but in the methods of distillation. These are not really suitable for cocktails and are often enjoyed straight.

German Gin

There is a German Gin which is referred to as Wacholder, or juniper. It is distilled with the juniper right in it instead of adding the flavoring afterwards, so the result is quite strong in flavor. Traditionally it is served chilled as a shot with a beer chaser.

London Dry Gin

London Dry Gin refers to the fact that the gin is dry. Only Beefeater is actually made in London. English Gins are generally more flavorful and considered superior to American Gins. Plymouth Gin is made in Plymouth, England from the waters of the Devon moors. It is smooth and full flavored. Flavored gins are made by simple infusion. Usually lemon and mint are popular. Golden Gin is the only gin that is aged briefly in wooden barrels which gives it the pale color. Sloe Gin is not gin at all, it is a liqueur.


There are two methods for producing gin. Distillation and rectifying (or the redistillation of distilled neutral grain). Flavoring of the neutral spirit is the most common means and thus has lead to various debates as to whether gin is merely a flavored vodka. The primary flavor is of course, juniper. Other flavors, each a highly guarded secret among the bottlers, include; coriander, cassia bark, angelica, orange peel, orris root, cardamon, licorice, and other botanicals.

Document Status

This document is considered a work in progress.


Maintainer of this page is U160161

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