Gillingham FC

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Who are Gillingham FC?

Gillingham Football Club is the only football league team in Kent, England. Gillingham itself is situated in the Medway towns on the North coast of Kent, approximately 35 miles from central London.

Are they any good? Well, they have been over recent seasons. The club currently play in division 1 (season 2001), having come up from the basement division in 1996, and being promoted again last season, 2000. A few giant killing exploits have also brought them media attention over recent years.

It wasn't looking so good 6 years ago. A last day victory staved off de-motion from the league, and bankrupcy was only saved at the eleventh hour by Paul Scally, who bought the club for a nominal sum. He has since overseen the rise of the team, and the rebuilding of the stadium. The stadium has been transformed from, well, little more than an Anderson shelter and some concrete steps, to a 10,500 capacity ground, with three sides rebuilt.


Team Colours: Currently Blue Shirts, White Shorts (but has been blue/black striped shirts and black shorts in recent seasons).

Formed: 1893 (New Brompton). Changed name in 1913 (Gillingham).

League History: Football League 1920-38 and 1950 to date.

First Team Honours: Division Two play-off winners 1999-2000, Division Four Champions 1963-64.


Ground: Priestfield Stadium, Redfern Avenue, Gillingham, Kent.

Nickname: The Gills

Official website:

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