FrontPage Archive - November 2009

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2 November 2009

Miss Vyjayanthimala, famous Indian dancer and film star.Bollywood Cinema 1950-59 - Many of the new films emerging in the 1950s actually changed the Bollywood film industry.

Enlisted Ranks of the US Air Force - A helpful guide to the US Air Force rank structure in the event that you ever meet such a person.

Humankind's Responsibility to Earth: Inaction is Not an Option - A powerful Entry that hammers home our responsibility to the planet.

QOTW: I always thought that wearing a poppy wasn't so much about supporting an organisation, but a mark of respect for all those, from all nations, who have died fighting wars. It's the most poignant anti-war symbol ever.

9 November 2009

Stolperstein memorial.Stolpersteine: An Everyday Memorial - A touching Entry about an unobtrusive memorial with a sad but important tale to tell.

Pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia - A condition that can occur in women who are at least 20 weeks pregnant.

'Star Trek': the Klingon Bird-of-Prey - This scout ship is a formidable weapon in the great arsenal of fighting ships of the Klingon Empire.

QOTW: If there's one thing I've learned from life, it', that's not it, and that other thing isn't it. … Let me get back to you...

11 November 2009


16 November 2009

Two ambulances outside an Accident and Emergency department.Accident and Emergency Departments (UK) - An insider's guide to the inner workings of one of the busiest parts of our hospitals.

Eris: the Largest Dwarf Planet - When is a planet not a planet? Meet one of the most contentious objects in the Solar System.

Chinchillas - A short history of the nocturnal rodent, hailing from the Andes and hunted to near extinction for its luxurious fur.

QOTW: If you're not the sort of person to wear socks first thing in the morning, try carrying them in your pocket. That way when you come to put them on they're already warm.

17 November 2009

A crest depicting a chinchilla called 'Greg' wearing a spiked collar.


18 November 2009


23 November 2009

Two promontories on the Cornish coastline: Carrick Du (foreground) and St Ives Head.The Language of Coastal Projections - Fascinating physical features of our coastline described in a remarkably wide range of terms.

A Short History of Tavistock, UK - A thriving community and a popular tourist destination, boasting a balloon festival and goose fair.

'Star Trek': Impulse Engines and Warp Drive - These propulsion systems saw 23rd Century Federation space exploration come of age.

QOTW: If at first you'd don't succeed! sod it and gu back t'bed

24 November 2009


26 November 2009


30 November 2009

A German Shepherd dog.The German Shepherd Dog - The origins and physiology of the popular working dog, known as Alsatians in the United Kingdom.

A History of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation News Themes - An authoritative canter through the music of ABC's radio bulletins.

Bollywood Cinema 1960-69 - A look at a period of major change in the industry that saw Indian films go from black and white to colour.

QOTW: Downloads are the work of the [devil] - everyone over 40 knows that.


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