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Perhaps one of the most sophisticated percussion instruments - and the most expensive - is the Marimba, not to be confused with Narinder, which is in fact something else altogether!

The Marimba - A wooden keyboard instrument struck with 2, 3 or 4 mallets by one or two performers. The keyboard layout it uses is similar to that of a piano, with the accidentals(black notes on a keyboard) set behind and slightly above the natural notes (white keys for Pianists)

A typical Marimba will include around 5 octaves (65 notes) of Rosewood (or similar hardwood, usually Brazilian) bars of different lengths in keyboard (see above) format. Usually mounted on a frame. Western models have rigid frames with adjustable heights, as they are played standing. However similar instruments of ethnic origin are floor mounted and played seated.

The Marimba is played with 2 - 4 Mallets wound at one end with wool (usually dyed in a colour to indicate the hardness of the mallet) or sometimes coloured nylon. Mallets may also have rubber ends. Mallets are rarely stocked by private retailers. They may be bought by mail order, via the internet or at Music Festivals. If you are looking to spend a lot of money on a good pair, i suggest you attend the Day of Percussion at the Royal Northern College of music ( Here you will be able to try the mallets before you buy them. This is also a good place to buy other mallets and drumsticks and accessories.

The art of playing the Marimba is amongst the hardest of Percussion instruments to master. The keys are either struck in sequence or played as single cods or "rolled". Music for the Marimba is written as traditional Western Manuscript. The Marimba player should be farmilliar with Bass Clef as well as Treble Clef. Experience of the Bass Clef will probably come from playing the Piano or Timpani, or a Bass instrument. Good introductions to this kind of notation can be found at all music retailers

Usually a marimba is part of a percussion ensemble, where it produces the bass line of a piece or a melody, an orchestra as a sound effect or as a solo instrument.

Some notable Marimbists are Evelyn Glennie and Nebojsa Zivkovik. These people are amongst the best at what they do in the world although there aer many other excellent players, especially as the instrument becomes more popular.

Well that just about wraps it up for the marimba. For further information, email [email protected]. Also see entries for xylophone, glockenspiel, xylorimba and vibriphone.

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