Marshmallow Peeps

3 Conversations

What are Marshmallow Peeps?

These are nicely yummy bits of marshmallow. In the US, they are a customary Easter candy. (Easter is the holiday where Christians and Catholics celebrate Jesus's rise from the dead. It has been overly commercialized with the Easter bunny ideal.) They come in purple and yellow and blue and pink, which are customary Easter colors, and are coated with a sugary substance. The marshmallow part, for those who have never tasted marshmallow, is not true marshmallow.
The company responsible for these candies is JustBorn.They make Hot Tamales, Mike and Ike, and "Zours" candies also.
Peeps are related to Marshmallow Bunnies, also an Easter candy. JustBorn makes a lineup for a few other holidays (Christmas, Halloween and Valentines day)
As evidenced by this webpage, they are nearly indestructible.

Some ways to eat them:

  • Open the wrapper and leave them out for a couple of days. The advantage to this method is that they will get stiff on the outside and be soft on the inside, so you get a nice crunch first, and then have soft bliss later.

  • From MacAddict: Don't eat them. Just stab them with knives.

  • Suck them to death! Fold two or three in your mouth and don't chew.

  • Bite their heads off. Let the other part follow the first method.

  • Place them on a plate in the microwave, and set it for 75 seconds. They expand and then deflate into a goo, which you can then wait to resolidify or eat as is.

More Information

The marshmallow peeps homepage is here.

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