FrontPage Archive - January 2010

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4 January 2010

A man de-iceing his car on a cold, frosty morning.Tips For Cold Mornings - Full of very useful tips this lovely Entry is a collaborative effort by various members of the h2g2 community.

Pidgins and Creoles - An outstanding Entry on how languages change and develop into something new when the need arises.

The History of the Galilean Moons of Jupiter - This well-researched Entry offers a fascinating overview of Jupiter's four main moons.

QOTW: Someone deleted all my biscuits!

5 January 2010


11 January 2010

A ferris wheel in a theme park.Working in a Theme Park - An insider's guide to making a living in the rollercoaster world of the fairground.

'Star Trek': Quark the Ferengi - Meet the Deep Space 9 barkeep with enviable earlobes and a side-line in wheeling and dealing.

Topsham and the River Exe - Take a trip to the Devon port with a shipbuilding past and tourist attracting present.

QOTW: I am carrying a pen around with me so I don't have to touch the switches!

18 January 2010

An illustration of yellow mountain.Yellow Mountain (Mt Huangshan), China - The mythical range that's a destination point for hardened walkers and romantic couples alike.

The Mu Arae Planetary System - A family of planets that offers scientists hope of finding other Earth-like celestial bodies out there.

Feluda Films - Meet Bengal's answer to Sherlock Holmes, a character who has been a part of Indian popular culture since the mid-1970s.

QOTW: I was in Home Depot the other day pushing my cart around when I collided with a young guy pushing his cart. …

19 January 2010


25 January 2010

An abstract illustration of a bowl of winter soup, a spoon and a tomato.Winter Spicy Tomato and Lentil Soup - An easy to follow recipe that is sure to warm up those long winter evenings.

Galileo Galilei: Father of Modern Science - The pioneering astronomer who was put on trial for his radical theories.

Mitch Benn: Musical Comedian - Everything you ever wanted to know about BBC Radio 4's musical satirist in residence.

QOTW: Pythagoras thought it wrong to eat beans.

28 January 2010



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