YRC: Important Links For Kids In Distress

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Sometimes it's very difficult to deal with things. You might feel very scared, isolated, or need someone to tell you what to do about a big problem. Hopefully you will find a link here that will help you. We cannot stress enough how important it is to get help if you want it. It doesn't matter how small you think your problem is, it's a problem that is worrying you and you deserve time for that. If you are suicidal PLEASE call one of the helplines. There are people out there who can help you, however big and scary the problem is, or even if you don't feel that there really is a problem.

If you know of a help contact that you feel should be in these lists then please leave a message and it will be added. Thank you for sharing.


Wherever you are in the world, there ARE people who can help you.

Child Helpline International is a group dedicated to helping children all over the world. You will be able to find telephone numbers, email addresses, and websites for all sorts of groups and helplines almost anywhere in the world on their Global Map.

Do you, or someone you know, self-harm? If you need information and support then visit Secret Shame. It isn't specifically for young people but has a lot of useful information about why people self-harm, what you can do about it, and that you are not alone in this.

In The UK

Because the BBC is based in the UK, and the editor of The Young Researchers' Club is British, the biggest list of help contacts is for the UK.

ChildLine is the free helpline for children and young people in the UK. Councellors are standing by to help with any problem that you need to talk to someone about. You can call them 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. The number will not show up on your phone bill. 0800 1111.

CareLine has existed since 1978 and provides confidential crisis help for children, teenagers, and adults. They are able to refer you to a wide variety of agencies and groups around the country. You can call them about anything that is concerning you at all on 020 8514 1177.

The Samaritans are on stand-by to talk to you about anything worrying you. They are always willing to talk to you about any problems you have. You can call them on 08457 90 90 90 or email them at [email protected]

There4Me is a youth branch site of the NSPCC, The National Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children. Councellors are available to help you find solutions to a wide range of problems, from exams to domestic violence.

Alcohol Concern has a lot of information about drinking and alcohol related problems, be it your own drinking or someone elses.

You can also call Alateen on 020 7403 0888. This is a helpline for young people aged 12-20 who have been affected by someone else’s drinking. They are available from 10am – 10pm, daily.

National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACOA has a free helpline for children of alcoholics which provides listening, advice and links with other services. It also offers help to children who are concerned about their parent’s use of drugs and provides advice and information to professionals. Call 0800 358 3456 between 9.30am – 7pm, Mon – Fri.

The National Drugs Helpline offers information and advice to anyone in the UK concerned about drugs, be it your own usage or someone you are worried about. The 24-hour service is free and confidential and can be called at 0800 776600

is a free, UK helpline and counsellors are there to listen and help you with worries you might have about smoking. You can call them on 0800 002200 1pm to 9pm, daily.

Child Bereavement offers help and support if you, or someone close to you, has suffered the loss of a loved one. 01494 446648

Bullying Online is dedicated to helping young people and their parents deal with the problems associated with bullying. You can email them at [email protected] any time. If you don't have a computer at home they will also write you a reply if you ask.

EACH (Educational Action Challenging Homophobia) is a dedicated freephone helpline for any young person affected by homophobia. Ring 0808 1000 143 or email [email protected]

It's Not Your Fault is a childrens' charity devoted to helping you deal with the possibility of your parents divorcing, and coping with the event itself if it happens.

The Hideout is the first national helpsite for children in the middle of domestic violence. Whether domestic violence is happening in your home, or in the home of someone you care about, they will do their best to help you get the support you need. You can also ring them on 0808 2000 247

YoungMinds is the children’s mental health charity. Its website has lots of help and advice about how to deal with depression, anxiety and different kinds of feelings and emotions. You can also call SaneLine for information and support if you or someone you know is suffering from mental illness. Call them on 0845 767 8000

Sexwise is a free and confidential helpline on sex, relationships and contraception for young people. You can call them from 7am to 12 midnight daily, on 0800 282930

Young Carers provide advice and support for young people under 18 who are looking after somebody who is sick or disabled, be it a parent, brother or sister, or another relative. They will be able to help you with all aspects of caring for someone else. You can also call them on 020 7480 7788

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