Scott Bennett's Diary: Entry 1 'Today Again'

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A Short History of Scott Bennett

Here we are and it is today again, like the 7814 days before this one. But right now, on the 7815th day of my life (or the 5th of August 2001 if you like), most things are defined by being different to those that went before.

Right now I am living in Birkenhead, Au Pairing for my Aunt and Uncle.

Prior to this I was from London. I lived in the same house in Battersea (oh all right Clapham Junction to be exact) for most of my life until I went to university in Lancaster (which I have just about finished).

Around that time my close family imploded and then exploded scattering its components over a wide area. One landed in Kent, another in Surrey, and a particularly extrovert familial fragment decided that it was more capable of flinging itself over great distances than any other and placed itself in Moscow, Russia.

As a result of all this I was recently described by the great historian of European Imperialism in Africa John MacKenzie as

"A single human atom boucing around by itself."
which is just about right. This was just prior to him calling me
"A lazy B*****d"
which is also right on the money.

The Dreams of Scott Bennett

Want are the aims of this atom? Well they are twofold.

The first is to do as all atoms do and to bond with other atoms and share electrons as part of a compound. By this I mean I want to meet lots of people and find out what makes them tick.

I do not mean I am a ravenous sexual beast.

The second is to try and cut it as a journalist maybe ending up with my own column in 30 years time.

I probably won't make it but its gonna be a lot of fun finding out.
I'd better get on with it then.

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