Hullabaloo's Vogon Poetry

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Worgling is an ancient, honoured and cool activity

About which no-one seems to be able to agree.

Some people claim it's every life-form's right

To worgle half the day and all the night,

Or at least when Coronation Street or East Enders or David
Attenborough or sport or a good film or Suzi Perry or Lorraine Kelly

Isn't on the telly.

Others think it should be limited

Or by law of Parliament or Congress or decree of Dictator prohibited.

And some just get in a fearful frorgling tizz

Because no-one has any more chance than an ice-cream in hell, even a vanilla one with chocolate and sprinkled nuts on top

Which is very nice indeed though the nuts can get in between your teeth, causing discomfort and inconvenience,

Of finding out

What Worgling is,

Except the old man by the simmering sea

Who remains silent as is a tree

When the weather isn't windy.

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

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